Page 31 - NYPCG - KAAKBAY 2018 July to December
P. 31

31July to December

Hellos and Farewells!

As we bid farewell to some members of our NYPCG family, we say “Til we meet again,” and wish them the best of luck in
their journey back home and to future assignments. We also welcome new officers and staff to New York and welcome
them to their new home!

KAREN MABELLE CASTAÑAREZ                                        MERELA GRET ABERIN

Mabelle concluded her                                                               The Consulate bid farewell to our well
                                                                -loved Gret as she wrapped up her
tour of duty in New York in                                     assignment in New York in December 2018.
August 2018. Her six years in
New York was eventful as she                                    Her tour of duty in the Big Apple was certainly
efficiently carried out her duties                              productive, having served as Secretary to
as Collecting Officer and                                       three Consuls General in a span of 6 years.
assisted in the Consulate’s                                     Her good multi-tasking and organizational
various cultural events and                                     skills as well as her close networks with the
                                                                Filipino community, consular corps, local
consular outreaches.                                            government offices and other stakeholders

           Known to her                                         proved vital for the seamless transition between the incoming and
colleagues as a travel buff and                                 outgoing heads of post.

food connoisseur, New York and the surrounding                  Gret likewise assisted in different capacities at the
states have given Mabelle the opportunity to pursue Consulate, from being an alternate passport data encoder during
her passion for fine cuisine and travel.                        consular outreaches, to being a protocol officer or photographer at

Before her stint in the Big Apple, she was various events of the Consulate.
assigned at the Office of Fiscal Management and
                                                                Prior to her New York assignment, Gret was assigned at
Services (OFMS) and the Philippine Consulate the Communications Office in DFA and at the Philippine Consulate
General in Madrid, Spain. Mabel now returns to her General in Agana, Guam. Currently, she reunites and works with
post at OFMS in the Home Office.                                her former boss in NYC, Consul General Maria Teresa De Vega,

                                                                now Undersecretary for Administration.

ANNALIE GALANG                                                  EVELYN VILLACASTIN

                                        Annalie arrived in New                                      Evelyn, who arrived in New York in
                            York on 19 August 2018 and                                   November 2018, is the new secretary to the
                            assumed her post as Collecting                               Consul General, replacing Gret Aberin. She will
                            Officer, replacing Mabelle                                   also be the Consulate’s Property Officer.
                                                                                                    Her previous assignments were at the
                                        Her knowledge and                                Human Resources and Management Office
                            experience on fiscal matters                                 (2014-2018), the Philippine Consulate General
                            gained from her previous                                     in Hong Kong (2008-2014), and the Office of
                            assignments at the DFA’s Office                              Consular Affairs (1997-2008). Her multifaceted
                            of Fiscal Management and                                     experience as consular assistant, records
Services (1999-2008; 2014-2018) and the Philippine              officer, secretary to the Consul General, and property officer in her
Consulate General in Sydney, Australia (2008-2014)              previous assignments would greatly help as she carries on with
will greatly contribute to the Consulate’s aim to deliver       her 2 portfolios in the Consulate.
excellent service to the more than 300,000 Filipinos in                    Although her workload will be challenging, we wish
the US northeast.                                               Evelyn will enjoy exploring and appreciating the beauty of this
                                                                bustling City!
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