Page 26 - High Knob Master Plan
P. 26

> Municipalities and communities are well represented with the current distribution of Green DOT signs. These signs are not part of a wayfinding system, but do contribute to locational information to and within each community. They are traffic signs as opposed to wayfinding and communicate turns, mileage to community, or both.
> Similarly, Brown DOT signs are prominent throughout the region, directing motorists to various destinations such as Natural Tunnel State Park, High Knob Tower, etc. Destination gateways such as those for the State Park or National Forest are branded to reflect that destination, and designed to the approved signage standards of the overseeing organization (USFS, VA State Parks, VDGIF, etc).
> Many communities and recreational destinations have attractive gateway signs. These range from traditional gateway signs with multiple civic club icons (Town of Wise) to branded pole-mounted gateways with both local and regional branding (Dungannon). Other destinations such as the Flag Rock Overlook are well designed with local stone or other materials. These signs present the unique identity of the destination or locale, and are extremely effective.
> Regional trails, such as the Crooked Road, Spearhead Trails, Coal Heritage Trail, etc., are well represented with signage. These signs are well designed, are branded based on the respective trail identity, and are easily seen throughout the region.
> Some specialty signage exists in the form of roadside kiosks for the Crooked Road, trail maps at Flag Rock or Stone Mountain OHV trails, and even branded banners near UVA Wise. Each of these signs are well-branded, deliver content, and are relatively new and in great condition.
> Many signs utilize distances to inform motorists how far certain destinations are from their current location, reassuring them they’re heading in the correct direction.
> Most signs are in relatively good physical condition.
  Lee County Gateway Sign
Existing Wayfinding Sign
Example of Sign clutter and design Example of sign placed beyond
recommended decision point for motorist

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