Page 31 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
P. 31




                                                             CONSTRUCTION COMPANY

       A B O U T   T H E   O W N E R                          S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D

       Four Seasons Enterprises was founded by                   Specialized Freight
       Mr. Robert Love in 2004. He has a long                    Trucking
       history of success and quality work in the
       construction and hauling industries.                      Hauling Of Construction Aggregates
                                                                 Hauling Of Solid Waste To Landfills
                                                                 Demolition and Excavation
       E Q U I P M E N T                                         Disaster Debris Removal
                                                                 Back Filling
         4-35’ 2017 Aluminum Trailers                            Digging
         14-14 Yard Tandem Dump Trucks                           Clearing
         4-2012 Pro Star Tractor Trucks
                                                                 Commercial & Residential Construction
                                                                 (Licensed and Bonded)
       C E R T I F I C A T I O N S                               Concrete Repair

         MS Dept of Transportation                            R E C E N T   P R O J E C T S
         MS Development Authority
         Jackson Evers International Airport
         LA Dept of Transportation                               City of Jackson Sludge Hauling
         City of Jackson, MS                                     City of Ridgeland Lake Harbour Rd
                                                                 City of Jackson Capital St
                                                                 Gary Road Reconstruction
       I N S U R A N C E   H E L D                               City of Pearl Outlet Mall

                                                                 Kansas City Southern Railroad
       Statewide General/Sentry Insurance
        GL and Auto                                              I-220 West Bound Reconstruction
                                                                 JMEIA Waste Water Project
                                                                 UMMC Building Addition
       G E T   I N   T O U C H                                   City of Jackson Street Repaving
                                                                 South Street Bridge
       Address: 5822 Canton Park Drive Jackson,                  City of Jackson Debris Removal
       Mississippi 392111                                        Dogwood Culvert Project
       Phone: 601-331- 2828                                      Voice of Calvary Housing Renovations
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