Page 32 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
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    A & S                                                                                    A&S

                                                                                             Construction Company is located in
                                                                                             Crystal Springs, MS and is managed
    Construction                                                                             by Mr.Jimmie S. Stovall. The firm
                                                                                             offers services such as Hauling &
                                                                                             AsphaltPaving, Demolition,
                                                                                             Trenching, Concrete-Cement Paving,
                                                                                             Curb, Sidewalks and
                                                                                             Overlay just to name a few. A&S
                                                                                             Construction Company has been in
    S T A T E M E N T   O F   Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S                                    businessfor about 15 years.

             WHAT WE DO                                                          FOUNDED

                                                                                 A & S Construction Company was founded
             SERVICES           Hauling                                          in April of 2004
             OFFERED            Asphalt Paving
                                Trenching                                        AREAS COVERED
                                Concrete- Cement Paving
                                Curb Cutting
                                                                                   State of Mississippi
                                Sidewalk Paving                                    State of Louisiana
                                Parking Lot Paving
                                                                                RECENT PROJECTS

             EQUIPMENT OWNED                                                      St. John M.D Church - Grading and Hauling Gravel
                                                                                  Dickerson and Bowen - 49 North Hauling and Asphalt
                                                                                  Superior Asphalt - I-20 Hauling and Asphalt
             OUR TOOLS TO       (2) Peter Built 18 - Wheeler Trucks with hauling capacity of  Dickerson and Bowen - Highway 42 Asphalt and Gravel
             SUCCESS            25 tons                                           Army Corps. of Engineers - Hauling Sand
                                (3) Frieghtliner 18 - Wheeler Trucks with a capacity to haul  Continental Tire - Hauled Asphalt
                                25 tons                                           Madison County Airport - Hauled Asphalt
                                (2) International 18 - Wheeler Trucks with a capacity to
                                haul 25 tons
                                (1) Mack Tandem with a capacity of 15 yards     AREAS COVERED
                                Bull Dozer
                                Asphalt Machine                                   State of Mississippi
                                Roller                                            State of Louisiana
                                Back Hoe
             NAICS CODES

                                                                                Address: 413 McPherson St. Crystal
                               484110 - General Freight Trucking                Springs, MS. 39059
             OUR                                                                Mobile Phone: (601) 953-5854
             CREDENTIALS       238110 - Poured Concrete Foundation and
                               Structure Contractors                            Fax:  (601) 892-2302
                               238990 - All Other Specialty Trade               Email:
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