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Construction Plus, LLC.

     S T A T E M E N T   O F   Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S

      O V E R A L L   P R O F I L E                                C R E D E N T I A L S

      Construction  Plus,  LLC  is  a  licensed  and                  SBA, 8A Certification
      bonded  general  contractor  in  the  states                    Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (MS, AL)
      of  Mississippi  and  Alabama.  Established                     Minority Business Enterprise (SBA)
      in  1999,  in  Meridian,  MS,  Construction                     Veteran Owned Business
      Plus  performs  work  in  all  aspects  of                      Certified Model Contractor (MBA)
      contracting       and        construction                       Mississippi & Alabama Construction and
      management.                                                     Construction Management
                                                                      OSHA Certified

     S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D                               P A S T   C L I E N T S

       Construction Management                                        U.S. Naval Air Station
       General Contracting                                            U.S. Department of the Interior, Natchez Trace
       Civil Engineering                                              City of Meridian
       Concrete and Asphalt
       Demolition                                                     City of Pascagoula
       Excavation/ Site Development                                   Meridian Airport Authority
       Drainage                                                       East Mississippi State Hospital
       Bank Stabilization                                             State of Mississippi Military Department
       Water and Sewer Systems                                        Holiday Inn, Meridian
       Trench-less Technology                                         East Mississippi Community College
       Construction Inspections
       Natural Gas Systems                                            Stennis International Airport
                                                                      Equity Financial Services
     B O N D I N G   C A P A C I T Y                                  Magnolia Realty
                                                                      Macedonia Baptist Church
       3.6 Million Aggregate/ 1 million single                        West Mount Moriah Baptist Church

                                                                      Gulf Coast Community College

      N A I C S   C O D E S                                        G E T   I N   T O U C H

        541330 - Engineering Services                              Contact Name - Earl Logan
        236220 - Commercial and Institutional                      Address - 2326 Front Street Meridian, MS 39301
        Building Construction                                      Phone - 601.553.3105
        541611 - General Management                                Fax - 601.553.3106
        Consulting                                                 Email -
        237310 - Highway, Street, and Bridge                       Web -
        237110 - Water and Sewer Construction
        541380 - Testing Laboratories
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