Page 48 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
P. 48

Crown Engineering

     S T A T E M E N T   O F   Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S

      O V E R A L L   P R O F I L E                               C O R E   S K I L L S

      Crown Engineering was founded in July                       - Civil Engineering Design
      2001 by Calvin L. Dean, P.E., CFM. From                     - Project Consultation
      design to quality control to project                        - Project Management and Coordination
      completion, our goal is to provide                          - Construction Inspection
      services to our clients with
      professionalism and integrity.

     S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D                              R E C E N T   P R O J E C T S

       Roadway Design                                                Civil Design for Street Improvements for
       Street Improvements                                             W. Capitol Street (Jackson MS)
       Storm Water Design                                            Civil Design & CE&I for Bridge Replacement on
       Drainage Channel Improvements                                 Beasley Road (Jackson,MS)
       Site Development Plans
       CADD                                                          Civil Design & CE&I for Bridge Replacement on
       Construction Inspection                                       Raymond  Road (Jackson MS)
       Project Management                                            Civil Design & CE&I for Grove Park Drainage
                                                                     Improvements (Jackson MS)

     C R E D E N T I A L S                                         D U N   &   B R O A D S T R E E T

       Professional Engineer                                       N U M B E R
       DBE Certified                                                  147232982
       Certified Floodplain Manager

        N A I C S   C O D E S                                     G E T   I N   T O U C H
                                                                  Contact Name - Calvin Dean P.E., CFM
        541330 - Engineering Services                             Office Phone - 601.713.4346
                                                                  Mailing Address - P.O. Box 16812 Jackson, MS 39236
        541618 -  Other Management Consulting                     Physical Address - 5269 Keele St., Suite C,  Jackson, MS
                                                                  Email -
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