Page 50 - DBE Firms On-the-Move 2020
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                                                           GENERAL CONTRACTOR

                                                              S E R V I C E S   O F F E R E D

                                                               General Contracting
      A B O U T   T H E   O W N E R                            Electrical

      Dixon Interior Finishing, Inc. is a
      Mississippi corporation established in                   Flooring
      1993 that specialized in interior                        Hauling
      construction including dry wall,                         Drywall
      acoustical ceilings, metal studs, floor                  Concrete
      covering, carpentry and painting. The
      company has capacity and scope to                        Landscaping
      offer comprehensive general                              Painting
      contracting, construction                                Design Build
        management, and design/build
      services.                                                Project Management
                                                               Construction Management
      I N S U R A N C E   H E L D                               L A R G E   P R O J E C T S

        General Liability
        Workers Compensation                                  JMFF - Dept. of Information Systems

        Employer's Liability                                  JMFF - Third Floor Tenant Space
                                                              JMFF - Second Floor Tenant Space
      C E R T I F I C A T I O N S                             U.S Department of Homeland Security/FEMA
                                                              Travel Trailer Deactivation

        MS Dept of Transportation                             U.S Department of Homeland Security/FEMA
        City of Jackson                                       Septic Bladder Pumping
        Jackson Municial Airport Authority
                                                              Vicksburg Warren School District
                                                              General Services Administration
      G E T   I N   T O U C H
                                                              Jackson Medical Mall
      Contact Name: Frank Dixon                               FEMA Trailer Blocking and Leveling
      Address: 1414 Ridgeway Street Jackson MS                St. Dominic Hospital
      Office: 601-981-5858
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