Page 14 - Nov 2019 Christie's Hong Kong a Falancai Imperial Bowl.
P. 14

fig. 1  Qian Xuan, White Lotus, handscroll, ink and light colour on paper
                                                     Collection of the Shandong Museum
                                                     எӬ  㢲㚁   Ƕ⎊⸥எǷ   ⡮ទ   ㉑ⰰ

           workshops were moved to the Cining gong ( ጑༱༈ Palace of Benevolence   ⡻●ఉ㇛໫㧰卼㩠㘆⯞ᅤהரǯ༈ᅡ⅘∇ᅐ㩶Իㅳ
           and Tranquillity) in 1691.  Other imperial workshops were set up in the   הपᅴㅛ㱈⅘∇ক㥚‷ം卿㚍ࣻ⯝Ⓔ⎉㞖ྏ଍ক≢
           Yuanming yuan ( ஋ᚺஊ Garden of Perfect Brightness) northwest of the
           Imperial City.  They were in the area of the garden called Dongtian shenchu
           ( ᰠ഍᳅⽔ Deep Vault of Heaven) in a complex bearing the evocative name   ᆭǯǶ᪩໸ഌ᳖ᝯݱԿ׾Ƿ㖊㘚卿⇈⇶הரᙻᄮᾭ
           Ruyi guan ( ൈዪ໶ Hall of Wishes Fulfilled).  A crucial part of the Kangxi   ՆࢦӮჺ卻ݩ݉      ჺ卼ᇖ᫋Ⲗᬆ㚀߅卿Ԇ☭Ւ
           Emperor’s mission to have fine imperial enamelled wares made in China, was
           his establishment of an imperial glass factory in 1696.  The emperor installed
           a Bavarian missionary, by the name of Kilian Stumpf, as director, and ordered
           the building of the glassworks near to the residence of the French Jesuits and
           the church at Canchiko プᮆऑ , near the Xi’an Gate in the Forbidden City.    ⇶ᙲᆭ⎏ӲഌᎰ৘卿⩧Ӳ⩢⎐⊐༈ᅡהரⒺㅳ卿ݯ
           In addition to making all types of ornamental glass and lenses, the imperial   㜩ᙹ⯝᪹ᰲ‸ទ㘓὞ᝳ⊿ǯݯԋᝬἃ՞♑㙣⩢卿ᛓ
           glassworks were also involved in the development of a palette of enamels
           for painting on metal and porcelain to augment, and eventually replace, the
           enamel colours being imported from Europe.  According to the Collected   ἃ⎊ᙠ⯝㿩ᙠ卿ݦ⩢மἃ⡠㱈எᡪಫⰰӶཐǯߎ៝
           Statutes and Precedents of the Qing Dynasty  ᪩໸ഌ᳖ᝯݱԿ׾ , in the 57    ⢙៧㰆▔卿ԋஇ⎏⬄⬖⡚ᙠᛓս㿩㞖⮈ₕ㯤⠄१
           year of the Kangxi reign (AD 1718) the enamel ateliers were moved from
                                                                           ⰰǯԋஇ⬄⬖⡚ᙠ⯝᪹ᰲǸࢽᙱ㩛ᙱ⡻ǹ  ໫ᇪἍ Ĥ
           the Wuying dian ( ᫋Ⲗᬆ Hall of Martial Valour) and came under the direct
                                                                           ࢽᙱՌᙱᙻ      ჺ߿ᇌⒺ⎉ᙻ⵭㯀卼ᝳݦഌࢥߣǯ
           auspices of the Yangxin dian, with additional administrative staff.
           The current stunning Kangxi yuzhi bowl employs three of the important
           colours from the new enamel palette, which were all developed in the
           imperial ateliers to different recipes than those used in Europe.  The most
           famous of these is the ruby red, which provides the exceptionally rich   ⎏㯭ᙠ卿ݻ⯝㘲ᚺὍⰰ⎏⇈⇶ᙠᐼࡵǯ㘺♎ទக႙
           background colour on this bowl, and was also used to create the pink lotus   ⻱ங⅘∇ࢎ⋁ԋࢦߎ᱁リ卿ݯܵࡥஙᙻ㿩㞖⊇㞔㖅
           blossoms, while the other two colours are white and yellow – both of which
           have significantly contributed to the beauty of the design on the current
           bowl.  Analysis has shown that the rose colour of the Chinese enamel was   ⶔ✖⎽⎉㬦࡚ᔙằǯ
           due to tiny colloidal particles of gold.  Two aspects of the Chinese rose
           enamel differentiate it from the European colour - the so-called ‘Purple of   ⯍ᙻӶ㘲ᚺ⎏⟾⡚ᆭ卿؝ᛓ⊇㘺♎⡚⅘∇⟾ថ⯝ⓕ

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