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Plate 9.2 Zhu Quan 朱權 (c. 1378–1448),
                                                                               Wondrous and Secret Notation (Shenqi
                                                                               mipu 神奇秘譜), reprint of the 1425
                                                                               Hongxi edition (Beijing, 1956). Pages
                                                                               showing the preface for Qiuhong

          known Yuan dramatists; a listing of 110 works by nameless   Early Ming China needed such categories and rules
          librettists, and 41 by male and professional entertainers   because it experienced drastic and rapid changes in
          (changfu 娼夫); biographical notes on 36 master singers who   language, drama and other expressive and regional
          performed as elite artists and not as commercial   practices. Since Jin and Yuan times, many northern Chinese
          entertainers, and whose performance Zhu had witnessed; a   had migrated to the south, singing northern arias (beiqu 北曲)
          musical-theoretical discussion of the five classes of relative   in their newly adopted homes. Socially and politically
          pitches, the twelve standard pitches and eleven musical   valorised as a genre of sophisticated and superior
          mode-scales; and a series of prescriptions on singing   performing arts, northern arias flourished in the south and
          practices.                                        were sung by both northerners and southerners. Those who
            Much of the information discussed in the seven texts or   were neither native nor experienced speakers of northern
          reports is taken from pre-existing sources, which scholars   Chinese dialects needed help to compose and perform
          have now identified as Zhong Sicheng’s 鍾嗣成 (fl. 1320s)   northern arias. It is this need that prompted the writing and
          Luguipu 錄鬼譜 (A Registry of Deceased Masters) and Zhi An’s    publication of tutorials and theoretical guides on composing
          芝庵 Changlun 唱論 (A Discussion on Singing Practices; prior to   and performing theatrical arias, such as Zhou Deqing’s 周德清
          1341). Some traditional arguments preserved in Taihe   Zhongyuan yinyun 中原音韵 (Phonology of the Central Plains),
          zhengyinpu are idiosyncratically adjusted by Zhu Quan to   compiled around 1324.  A dictionary of 5,866 words divided
          underscore the use of drama and theatrical performance as   into 19 groups of rhymes, Zhou’s reference work prescribes
          a means of governance and self-cultivation. For example,   how the words can be used in beiqu compositions and
          arguments that valorise honourable commoner performers   performances. However, it presents few concrete examples of
          (liangjia 良家), at the expense of Buddhists and professional   how the words can be composed and performed to fit qupai
          and commoner entertainers, expose the prince’s    structures.
          authoritative and opinionated personality.           The task of producing a comprehensive and practical
            Zhu Quan compiled Taihe zhengyinpu to transform   formulary on the fixed northern aria tunes fell to Zhu Quan
          ideologically dramatic theories and practices of his time; as   – or rather he was the first to grasp the need for such a
          such, it attests to the prince’s historical agency and creative   reference work. The task and the materials needed to
          context. Born and raised in Nanjing in the south, the prince   complete the task, however, were beyond the scope of any
          had spent his late boyhood and early manhood travelling   one person to manage single-handedly. Linguistic words and
          and fighting many battles in northern China. He thus had   tones are communal properties and codes that no individual
          the opportunities to become knowledgeable about the   could create by themselves. Being a politically marginalised,
          language of both northern and southern dialects. Being a   ideologically driven, scholarly and artistically gifted prince,
          sensitive dramatist and musical performer, he realised how   Zhu Quan became the historical player who had the ability
          effective composition and performance of dramatic lyrics   and resources to tackle the task. As a princely and musical
          depended on the correct matching of tune and melodic   scholar, he was able to collect and organise the linguistic-
          structures with the linguistic tones of spoken or sung words   oral-aural data needed to produce an instructive and
          in the lyrics. Exercising his creative and systematising urges,   meaningful formulary.
          he developed categories and rules to help composers,   His collection, selection and classification of northern
          performers and audience to engage expressively with   aria fixed tunes according to scale-modes, and his
          theatrical singing of arias.                      annotation of the linguistic attributes of words in the lyrics of

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