Page 105 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
P. 105

Precious Admonitions were not intended to circulate widely, but   young emperor divided, it is not surprising that Yang Shiqi
            were chiefly intended to be ‘revered by the sons and   now sought to assert a long-standing personal bond between
            grandsons’ of the imperial line, as the Xuande emperor put it. 4  grand secretaries and successive emperors, and to affirm his
               Now, in 1443, as one of the leading architects of these   own vision of the court.
            official accounts of the Ming emperors and their courts,   There were, in Yang’s day, few sources of information for
            Yang was asserting his right – and his responsibility – to   people across the realm about the events and personalities at
            record and transmit his own private collection of imperial   the Ming court. There is no evidence that the Dibao (邸報) or
            pronouncements. He did not indicate the audience for which   Capital Gazette circulated in the early Ming, although it did
            he was writing, but his invocation of the writings of Ouyang   exist in earlier times. Little is known about the Capital Gazette
            Xiu and Sima Guang suggest that he intended the work to   in Ming times, except for anecdotal evidence, none of which
            contribute to the broader ‘literati’ discourse on the political   appears before the late 15th century.
            order of the realm. Writing a preface to the work introduced   The Court Diary (Qijuzhu 起居注) was established by the
            it to a readership and signalled that it was intended for   founding Hongwu 洪武 emperor (r. 1368–98), who
            circulation. The Record of Imperial Pronouncements was part of a   appointed prominent officials to serve as the court diarist. In
            large body of material that Yang published at this time. He   his own way, he was following previous dynastic precedents.
            also published his Record of Memorials and Responses (Zoudui lu   He was eager to restore the rites of an idealised antiquity, in
            奏對錄), a collection of his presentations at court, and his   which history was recorded in real time – his actions and
            Record of Compositions on Behalf (Daiyan lu 代言錄), a collection   deeds passed down for posterity. He seems to have lost
            of edicts and pronouncements that he had drafted for the   interest in this practice in his later paranoid years. And there
            emperors over the years.  His collection of his own writings,   is no mention of the court diary in the Veritable Records after
            including poetry, biographies, eulogies, epitaphs and   1382. Although some sources have suggested otherwise,
            inscriptions, had been published a little over two years   there is reason to be sceptical that the post of court diarist
            earlier, in 1440, a vast compilation that confirmed his role as   existed until it was formally restored in the late 16th century,
            one of the most prolific writers of the era.  In a preface to   under the Wanli 萬曆 emperor (r. 1573–1620).  Court
            Yang’s collected works, Yang’s close colleague Huang Huai   records, including the Court Diary, when one existed, were
            黃淮 (1367–1449) waxed in superlatives on Yang’s literary   indeed used to compile the Veritable Record, but this, as noted
            achievements and linked them with the glories of the   above, did not circulate.
            dynasty itself:                                       In 1402, when the Yongle emperor usurped the throne
               In our dynasty, since the Great Ancestor, the August Emperor   from his nephew, he sought to rewrite history so that the
               initiated his cultured enterprise, generations of the learned   years of the Hongwu reign went down to 1402.  But there is
               have emerged in splendour! And the writings of Master [Yang]   little to indicate that this history was available to anyone
               testify to the brilliance of our predecessors, soaring aloft. How   beyond the immediate confines of the court. The Record of
               many could do that! And during that era, he has matched their   Responding to Heaven and Pacifying the Troubles (Fengtian jingnan ji
               pace, how many could do that!                   奉天靖難記) recounted the events leading up to the
               This chapter examines the Record of Imperial Pronouncements   usurpation, and overlaps with the Veritable Records of the
            as a new source of information on the imperium that began   Yongle reign.  This text is often widely believed to have
            to circulate to the world beyond the Ming court in the 1440s.   been composed and published in the early years of the
            On the one hand, as one of the few documents on this period   Yongle reign, as a justification of the usurpation. But there is
            in circulation, Yang’s ‘private’ record was highly influential   surprisingly little evidence that the text was actually
            in shaping the image of the Yongle emperor and his son and   composed at that time, and there in fact seems to be no
            grandson for the larger reading public. On the other hand,   written references to the text before the late 16th century. It
            Yang’s work set an important precedent of personal   appears in a few private library catalogues in the 17th
            narratives by retiring high-level officials in the Ming court.  century.
               Yang completed his Record of Imperial Pronouncements at a   For the broader ‘literati’ public in the early 15th century,
            crucial time. The emperor’s grandmother, Empress   information on the usurpation of 1402, and indeed, the early
            Dowager Zhang 張 (1379–1442), the stabilising force in the   history of the dynasty, would not have been readily available
            regency, had died two months earlier, an event that Yang   in any form. Of course, for public consumption, the Yongle
            noted in his preface. The Zhengtong 正統 emperor     emperor did produce vast public monuments to attest to the
            (r. 1436–49), who had come to the throne at age eight, had   validity of his succession. The remarkable Da Baoensi
            recently turned sixteen, and was beginning to take over the   大報恩寺 (Great Monastery of Filial Gratitude), with its
            affairs of the court for himself. Yang’s generation of court   spectacular pagoda, was erected on the edge of Nanjing (see
            statesmen were dying off. Yang Rong 楊榮 (1371–1440) had   discussions by Marsha Haufler and Clarence Eng in
            died two years earlier. Yang Pu 楊溥 (1372–1446) was nearly   Chapters 16 and 20 of this volume). And he ordered the
            70. Other powerful figures had come to play a more   construction of a vast stone stele to attest to his filial piety.
            dominant role at court. The Director of Ceremonial, one of   The project had to be redesigned when it became clear that
            the most influential positions in the court, was the eunuch   the Yongle emperor’s ambitions far exceeded the possible,
            Wang Zhen 王振 (d. 1449), a power rival, cultivating an   and a smaller (but still immense) version of the stele was
            array of important relationships with prominent civil and   erected not far from the tomb site of his father on Mount
            military officials, and with the emperor himself.  With the   Zhong. Yongle’s own Veritable Records were delayed by the
            waning power of the regency and the attentions of the wilful   early death of his son, the Hongxi emperor. The records

                                                      Fashioning the Imperial Legacy: Yang Shiqi and the Record of Imperial Pronouncements | 95
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