Page 35 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
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54 MSL Xuanzong shilu 15.1b–2a (1/3/丁酉), Wade 2005b, http:// See MSL Yingzong shilu 307.3b (3/9/癸巳), Wade 2005b, http:// .
55 MSL Xuanzong shilu 15.8a–b (1/3/丙午), Wade 2005b, http://epress. 63 MSL Taizong shilu 233.4b (19/1/甲申), Wade 2005b, http://epress. and MSL Taizong shilu 235.1b–2a (19/3/
56 MSL Xuanzong shilu 16.1a–b (1/4/丙寅), Wade 2005b, http://epress. 丙戌), Wade 2005b, 64 MSL Taizong shilu 75.2b (6/1/丁卯), Wade 2005b, http://epress.nus.
57 MSL Xuanzong shilu 32.9b–10a (2/10/癸未), Wade 2005b, http:// 65 See for example Wang Mintong 2003.
58 MSL Xuanzong shilu 33.1a–b (2/11/乙酉), Wade 2005b, http://epress. 66 MSL Xuanzong shilu 26.2a (2/3/庚寅), Wade 2005b, http://epress.
59 MSL Xuanzong shilu 51.3b–4a (4/2/丁亥), Wade 2005b, http:// 67 For detailed accounts of the violence pursued by Ming forces during these various episodes, see Wade 2005a.
60 In their victory memorial to the throne, the Ming commanders 68 MSL Taizong shilu 75.2b (6/1/丁卯), Wade 2005b, http://epress.nus.
who had captured Đại Việt claimed that seven million of the
Vietnamese forces had been killed. See MSL Taizong shilu 60.5a–b 69 MSL Taizong shilu 71.5a (5/9/戊午), Wade 2005b, http://epress.nus.
(4/10/庚子), Wade 2005b,
Even allowing for the rhetoric, other reports of the Ming invasion 70 The full entry can be accessed at Wade 2005b, http://epress.nus.
suggest huge mortality on both sides.
61 In 1407, 7,700 tradesmen and artisans, including gun founders, 71 Wade 2005b,
were forcibly transported from Annam to the Ming capital at 72 Nagel 2001.
modern Nanjing; MSL Taizong shilu 71.6a (5/9/癸酉), Wade 2005b, 73 MS 1984, 8441. 74 MS 1984, 8345.
62 The eunuchs sent to Jiaozhi (the occupied Đại Việt) and to Yunnan 75 Compare the borders of the Ming empire shown in Mote and
by the Ming emperors were also engaged in collection of precious Twitchett 1988, xxiv, the English edition of The Cambridge History of
stones, gold and pearls. A later reference from 1459 suggests that China, with those in Mou and Cui 1992, its Chinese translation.
the obtaining of gold was a major task of the eunuch-led voyages.
Domination in Four Keys: Ming China and its Southern Neighbours 1400–1450 | 25