Page 38 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
P. 38

B  A  Y    O  F    B  E  N  G  A  L

                                        I  N  D  I  A
            A  R  A  B  I  A  N    S  E  A  Honavar
                               Mt. Delly
                                      CALICUT (Kozhikode)  Chidambaram
                               Sacri ce rock
                                           Coimbatore  Nagapattinam
                                Kalpeni  COCHIN (Kochi)  Pt. Pedro
                        L A C C A D I V E
                         I S L A N D S  QUILON  Old Kayal
                                      (Kollam)         SRI
                              Minicoy                 LANKA
                                                             Batticaloa              rDandra
                                                 Negombo  Kandy
                           Kelai                 Colombo                             head
                     Tiladummati atoll            Beruwala    Little Basses
                                                     Galle  Dandra   Great Basses
                        Fadi olu atoll
                                  M  A  L  D  I  V  E
                                  I  S  L  A  N  D  S
                            Male or
                         Sultan’s island
                                            I  N  D  I  A  N     O  C  E  A  N
                          Mulaku atoll

                       Haddummati atoll
                                                          0              2 5 0   kilometres
                                                                                    Plate 3.2 Map of southern India
          on the Malabar coast, another eunuch emissary sent by the   at these sites. While the support for Melaka came at the
          Yongle emperor, Yin Qing 尹慶 (active 1400–10), had visited   expense of supplanting Samudera as the main chokepoint in
          the region. The Ming Veritable Records reports that in 1403 the   the Straits of Melaka, Cochin may have been chosen over
          Ming court sent Yin Qing to Melaka (Manlajia 滿剌加) and   Calicut for its pepper supplies and as a base for westward
          Cochin (Kezhi 柯枝, now Kochi) to ‘confer upon the kings of   exploration of the Indian Ocean.
          these countries “spangled-gold” silk gauze drapes and   When Yin Qing returned with the ‘rulers’ of Samudera,
          parasols together with patterned fine silks and coloured silks   Melaka and Calicut, the Ming court ‘commanded that these
          as appropriate’ (Pl. 3.1).  Yin Qing returned to China in   native leaders all be enfeoffed as kings of their countries, that
          1405, with ‘rulers’ of Samudera (Sumendala 蘇門答剌),   they be provided with seals and patents and that variegated
          Melaka and Calicut.  While during the Zheng He    silks and clothing be conferred upon them’.  Ma Huan 馬歡
          expeditions, rulers of several maritime polities seem to have   (d. c. 1460), who accompanied Zheng He in 1413, 1421 and
          personally led tributary missions to the Ming court, it is   1431, seems to suggest that this enfeoffment of the ruler of
          more likely that the people Yin Qing brought with him were   Calicut was carried out by Zheng He in 1407, when he
          simply officials or traders from the three foreign polities.   delivered a silver seal and gifts of ‘hats and girdles of various
          The aim may have been to legitimise Yongle emperor’s   grades’ to the ministers of Calicut.  Ma Huan also describes
          accession through the display of foreign tributary missions at  how the Calicut king, planning to send tribute to the Ming
          the court. This was, in fact, the first time after the Yongle   court, ordered foreign craftsmen residing in his land to make
          emperor usurped the Ming throne that envoys had arrived   a jewelled girdle for the Chinese emperor. This girdle,
          in China from these three polities.               studded with precious stones and large pearls, was made
            Yin Qing’s destination in South Asia, as noted in the   with 50 liang of ‘fine red gold’ that had been processed into
          Veritable Records, was Cochin (Pl. 3.2), which was not yet a   threads ‘as fine as a hair’.
          major port or commercial site on the Malabar coast. Neither   The embassies sent by Calicut offered local products to
          was Melaka an important centre of trade or maritime   the Ming court, which in return presented various gifts to
          communication when Yin Qing arrived. Rather, it was   the South Asian envoys and treated them to lavish banquets.
          during the course of Zheng He’s expeditions that both   Paper money, copper cash, silk gauzes and other silk fabrics,
          Cochin and Melaka developed into nodal points of Indian   gilded brocades and porcelain were frequently presented to
          Ocean interactions. In fact, the Ming court played a critical   the envoys and the rulers of Calicut.  The list of return gifts,
          role in transforming these two sites from obscurity to   which were often more valuable and in greater quantities
          preeminence in their respective regions. This was perhaps   than the tribute offerings, clearly indicates the Ming court’s
          done in order to access local resources and establish Ming   attempt to induce foreign polities to send tributary missions
          bastions at key locations of the Indian Ocean world.  The   on a regular basis. Embassies from Calicut continued to
          Ming court’s objectives entailed displacing existing powers   arrive at the Ming court until about 1435, but a decline in

          28 | Ming China: Courts and Contacts 1400–1450
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