Page 43 - Ming_China_Courts_and_Contacts_1400_1450 Craig lunas
P. 43

Horses were perhaps the most important of these transit   indicates the continued importance of the South Asian
            goods destined for China. According to Fei Xin, horses were   coastal regions to Chinese merchants even after the state-
            brought to the Malabar coast from West Asia, bred locally   sponsored commercial activity ceased. Much of this trade
            and ‘transferred’ for hundreds or thousands of coins for   was conducted through Melaka and other ports in Southeast
            onward sale.  To purchase these transit goods and local   Asia where Chinese traders had established their
            products such as pepper, the Ming officials offered gold,   diasporas.  These sites were also places where traders from
            silver, silk, blue-and-white porcelain, pearls, musk,   Bengal and Gujarat had settled and engaged in commercial
            quicksilver and camphor. While some of these objects came   exchanges with their Chinese counterparts. While the fact
            from China, others, such as camphor, originated in   that the Chinese continued to visit South Asia after the 1450s
            Southeast Asia.                                    is suggested by the report by Joseph of Cranganore cited
               Ma Huan describes the procedure through which trading   above, the extensive trading activity of Chinese and South
            activity took place between the representatives of the Ming   Asian merchants is found in several Portuguese records,
            court and local traders in Calicut.  While the two Muslim   including one by Tomé Pires, the Portuguese envoy to Ming
            chiefs of Calicut oversaw the commercial transactions, a   China in the early 16th century.
            Chetty trader and a local broker participated in the
            purchase of goods from the Ming officials. One of the   The enduring interest in Buddhist South Asia
            commanders from the Ming fleet was responsible for fixing   In 1403, soon after he ascended to the Ming throne, the
            the date for trade. On that designated date, commodities   Yongle emperor sent an invitation to the Fifth Karmapa
            were displayed, prices agreed upon and a written agreement   (Deshin Shekpa, 1384–1415) of Tibet. Carried by Hou Xian,
            executed. After the sale of goods by the Chinese, the locals   the same person who later visited Bengal in 1415 and 1420 by
            exhibited their merchandise. The prices were negotiated   the maritime route, the invitation requested the Karmapa to
            and paid with silk, the price of which was fixed in the written   visit the Ming capital and perform rituals for the deceased
            agreement.                                         parents of the Yongle emperor. A little over three years later,
               For Fei Xin, Sri Lanka was inferior only to Java in terms of   in 1407, the Karmapa accompanied by Hou Xian arrived in
            its importance in maritime trade.  The fact that the island   Nanjing. After conducting several ceremonies at the capital,
            produced several types of precious stones and gems, as well as   the Karmapa also visited Mount Wutai (Pl. 3.7), the
            pearls, is noted by both Fei Xin and Ma Huan (see discussion   perceived abode of the bodhisattva Mañjuśrī.  In 1408, the
            by Craig Clunas in Chapter 27 of this volume). Musk, hemp-  Yongle emperor invited to the Ming capital Tsongkhapa
            silk, blue-and-white porcelain, copper coins, gold and silver   (1357–1419), the other important Tibetan leader, who,
            objects and camphor were used by the Ming representatives to   however, declined the invitation. In 1413, when Hou Xian
            purchase goods from Sri Lanka. The trilingual inscription set
            up by Zheng He on the island suggests that the Ming   Plate 3.7 View of the Buddhist pilgrimage site Mount Wutai, located
            representatives conducted trade with Tamil and Persian   in Shanxi province southwest of Beijing
            merchant guilds in addition to other local traders. From the
            nearby islands of the Maldives and Laccadives, the Chinese
            procured ambergris and perhaps also cowries.
               Bengal seems to have been a leading trading partner of
            the Ming court and the Chinese traders who had settled in
            Southeast Asia. Cotton, textiles, precious stones and gems
            (mostly acquired from other regions of the Indian Ocean)
            and kingfisher feathers were some of the commodities sold to
            the Chinese. In return, the local merchants received gold
            and silver objects, silk fabrics, blue-and-white porcelain,
            copper coins, musk, vermilion, quicksilver and pepper. Ma
            Huan mentions that the ruler of Bengal owned ships that
            were sent to trade with foreign polities.  It was perhaps
            through such shipping networks that the giraffes presented
            to the Yongle emperor reached Bengal. In fact, the gifting of
            giraffes seems to have been a fairly common aspect of
            long-distance commercial interactions during the early 15th
               The extensive trading relations between Bengal and
            Ming China, official as well as the indirect private
            commerce through Southeast Asia, might explain how
            Bengali script (Pl. 3.6) and a list of more than 200 Bengali
            words transcribed in Chinese found their way into the
            16th-century Ming work Siyi guangji 四夷廣記 (Extensive
            Records of the Four Barbarian [Regions]). The work, which
            includes words related to terrestrial objects, types of
            clothing, commodities, names for birds and animals, etc.,

                              Diplomacy, Trade and the Quest for the Buddha’s Tooth: The Yongle Emperor and Ming China’s South Asian Frontier | 33
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