Page 103 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 103


         AN EXCEEDINGLY RARE AND                           戰國至西漢早期   玉鏤空龍紋環
         FINELY CARVED JADE ‘DRAGON’                       來源
         RING, HUAN                                        金華堂舊藏,台北,入藏於1999 年以前
         WARRING STATES PERIOD-EARLY WESTERN               養德堂珍藏
         HAN DYNASTY, CIRCA 475-141 BC                     展覽
         The disc is well-carved and pierced to both sides with scrolling   國立故宮博物院,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999年,
         mythical beasts, and set to the inner and outer edges with a pair of   圖版205號
         chi-tigers and a pair of dragons. The semi-translucent stone is of
         a greyish-white colour with areas of russet inclusions and opaque   著錄
         white-coloured calcification                      鄧淑蘋,《羣玉別藏續集》,台北,1999年,圖版205號,
         3æ in. (9.5 cm.) wide, box                        頁293
         HK$4,000,000-6,000,000        US$520,000-770,000

         The Chinhuatang Collection, Taipei, acquired prior to 1999
         The Yangdetang Collection
         National Palace Museum, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic
         Chinese Jades, Taipei, 1999, Catalogue, pl. 205
         Teng Shu-p’ing, Collectors’ Exhibition of Archaic Chinese Jades,
         Taipei, 1999, pl. 205, p. 293

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