Page 105 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 105
fig. 1 Collection of the Zibo Museum
圖一 淄博市博物館藏品
2756 Continued
This unique jade ring is carved with a rare design, and 戰國時期雖有類似玉環出土,但此件玉環的鏤空雕飾卻極為獨
although other Warring States period pierced rings are 特,同時環體寬度並非一致。山東淄博市博物館藏有一件相似
recorded, no other example of similar design appears to have
been published. The closest example of a Warring States 的雙龍紋玉環(圖一),並載於古方編,《中國出土玉器全集—
pierced jade ring can be found in the Zibo Museum (fig. 1), also 山東》,北京,2005 年,頁 196。此環原由山東省淄博市臨淄
symmetrically decorated with a pair of dragons and a pair of 區商王村 1 號墓出土。環上對稱鏤刻龍、虎各一對,並刻有陰
chi-tigers but the width around the ring is of equal proportions. 線紋,環體寬度均等。另外西漢南越王博物館亦藏有兩件相似
It was excavated from tomb no. 1 at Shangwang village in Zibo 玉環,一件鏤雕三條盤踞交錯的龍紋、另一件則飾龍、虎紋各
county, Shangdong province and is illustrated in Gu Fang, The
Complete collection of Unearthed Jades in China-Shangdong, 一對,刊於盧兆蔭編,《中國玉器全集》,第 4 冊,1993 年,
Beijing, 2005, p.196. Compare also two jade rings with similar 圖版編號 50、51,頁 40-41。
reticulated carving, one with interlocking three dragons and
another with a pair of dragons and a pair of chi tigers, in the
Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the
Nanyue King, and illustrated in Lu Zhaoyin, Zhongguo yuqi
quanji, vol. 4, 1993, pls. 50 and 51, pp. 40-41.