Page 99 - Chinese Archaic Jades From The Yangdetang Collection PART II Christie's.pdf
P. 99

         A CELADON JADE SILHOUETTE                         戰國   青玉龍形珮及青玉鳳形珮各一只
         ‘DRAGON’ PENDANT AND A                            來源
         CELADON JADE SILHOUETTE                           1999年以前購自台北一言堂
         ‘PHOENIX’ PENDANT                                 著錄
         WARRING STATES PERIOD (475-221 BC)                震旦藝術博物館,《戰國玉器》,台北,2007年,
         One pendant is carved in the form of a dragon in profile with an   圖版80號,頁133
         arched s-shaped body. It is depicted with a curled crest, pointed
         horns and circular eyes, terminating to one end with a coiled
         bi-furcated tail. Each side of the body and tail are decorated
         with comma spirals. The other pendant is carved in the form
         of a stylised phoenix, also depicted with an s-shaped body and
         decorated throughout with comma spirals.
         Larger: 43 in. (11 cm.) long, box            (2)
         HK$200,000-300,000              US$26,000-38,000

         Acquired from E Yuan Tang Chinese Art, Taipei, prior to 1999
         Aurora Art Museum, Jades of Warring States Period, 2007, Taipei,
         pl. 80, p. 133

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