Page 55 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 55

The Zhanggongxiang                                                    張公巷窯豆青釉長方
‘douqing’ celadon dish                                                委角折沿盤

Lü Chenglong                                                          呂成龍

  fig. 1                                                                fig. 2
(圖一)                                                                  (圖二)

Measuring 20.6 cm. long and 14 cm. wide, the dish is moulded          盤呈長方形,長20.6釐米、寬14釐米。敞口,折沿,四角均向裡
with shallow rounded sides rising to an everted rim with canted       委,淺弧腹,平底。折沿周邊起整齊窄邊。內、外滿施豆青色
corners and a beaded edge, covered overall with a douqing, ‘pea-      釉。外底留有四個略呈橢圓形細小支燒釘痕。作工考究,造型
green’ glaze with the exception of the four tiny oval spur marks      規整,釉面勻淨,釉呈豆青色,釉面開細碎紋片,給人以清新
on the base. The exquisite potting, well-structured form, and the     淡雅 之美 感。從 造 型和胎、釉特 徵 看,此長方盤 應 為北 宋 末
crackle-suffused ‘pea-green’ glaze all merge to impart a sense of     至金代河南省汝州市張公巷窯產品。
serenity and elegance. Based on the examination of the form, body
material, and glaze, the current dish appears to be have been made    20 0 0年,考古工作者在今河南省汝州市區東部偏南的中大
by the Zhanggongxiang kilns in Ruzhou city, Henan province,           街與張公巷交匯處發現一處古瓷窯遺址(被命名為“張公巷
between the late Northern Song and Jin periods.                       窯”)經初步探查,窯址中心區面積約3600平方米,基本都壓
In 2000, archaeologists discovered a kiln site at the intersection    所 對 窯址 局 部進 行了勘 探和正 式 考古發掘,發掘面 積18 9 平
of Zhongdajie and Zhanggongxiang in the southeastern part of          方米,揭露出窯爐、作坊遺址(圖一),獲得窯具(圖二)、瓷
Ruzhou city in Henan province, which was subsequently named           片標本 等 近萬件(片)。2 0 0 4 年5月2 0日至 2 2日,中國古陶瓷
the Zhanggongixang kilns.1 Preliminary exploration reveals the        學會和河南省文物管理局聯合在鄭州市主辦了“汝州張公巷
area of the central kiln site to be approximately 3,600 m2 in size,   窯、鞏義黃冶窯考古新發現專家研討會”,此後,張公巷窯逐
buried almost entirely underneath modern residential districts        漸被人們所認識和重視。
and thoroughfares. Between 2000 and 2004, the Henan Provincial
Archaeological Institute conducted surveys and excavations on         北宋時期的汝州是著名的青瓷產地,目前已發現並經過正式
selected areas of the kiln site totalling 189 m2 in size, uncovering  考古發掘的古瓷窯有張公巷窯、東溝窯和位於今寶豐縣清涼
furnaces, workshops (fig. 1), tools (fig. 2) and close to 10,000      寺村的古瓷窯(被命名為“清涼寺窯”)等。清涼寺窯的中心
shards. On 20-22 May 2004, the Chinese Ceramics Society and           燒造區即傳世汝窯瓷器的產地。對於傳世汝窯瓷器,學者們
the Henan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau co-held a symposium       一致 認 為燒 造 於北 宋 徽 宗 時 期。但 對於 張 公巷窯的燒 造 年
titled New Discoveries from Zhanggongixiang kilns in Ruzhou, and      代,目前學術界看法不一。張公巷窯與清涼寺窯地理位置相
Huangye kilns in Gongyi, propelling Zhanggongxiang kilns into the     近,兩 窯 相 距 大 約2 0 公里。從 實 物資 料看,兩 窯 產品既 有聯
limelight which hitherto has garnered ever-increasing attention.      繫又有 差異。在器 物 造 型方面,有些 造 型是兩窯 所各自特 有
                                                                      的,有些 造 型 則 是兩 窯 所共 有。在 釉 色方面,汝 窯青瓷以淡
The city of Ruzhou was renowned for celadon production during         天青色釉為主(圖三),而張公巷窯青瓷則以豆青色釉為主
the Northern Song period. Kiln sites located in Ruzhou that had
been scientifically excavated include the Zhanggongxiang kilns,
the Donggou kilns, and the Qingliangsi kilns in Baofeng County.
The central zone of the Qingliangsi kilns is where the handed-
down Ru wares were produced. Most scholars agree that these

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