Page 56 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 56
fig. 3 fig. 4
(圖三) (圖四)
were made during the Huizong reign (1100-1125) of Northern fig. 5
Song dynasty, though opinion differs on the time of production (圖五)
of the Zhanggongxiang kilns.The two kiln sites are a mere 20 km
apart, and the wares produced are closely related to each other (圖四)。目前一部分學者認為張公巷窯青瓷在造型和燒造
while bearing notable differences. In terms of the forms, some are 工藝上均受到汝窯影響,由於位於今杭州鳳凰山麓的南宋老
shared by both kilns while a few are only unique to one. As for 虎洞窯(有學者認為是文獻記載的“南宋修內司官窯”)也明
the colour of the glaze, Ru wares are dominated by a pale sky-blue 顯受到汝窯影響,因此有學者認為,從汝窯到張公巷窯再到
glaze (fig. 3), while the Zhanggongxiang celadon are primarily 老虎洞窯,由三者關係或可推論張公巷窯即北宋官窯。也有
characterised by a pea-green colour (fig. 4). 一部分學者持不同見解,認為張公巷窯的年代為金、元時期
A group of scholars have observed a strong influence of Ru wares 屬於為一般官府燒造瓷器的窯場。
on the Zhanggongxiang vessels, particularly in terms of forms and
firing technique. As similar influence of Ru wares is also evident 目前所見張公巷窯青瓷的造型有盌、盤、碟、盆、洗、壺、瓶、
on vessels from the Laohudong kilns, Hangzhou, which have been 熏爐、盞托、罍子、枕、器蓋等。汝窯青瓷中常見的缽、盒、凸
regarded by some scholars as the Official Xiuneisi Kilns of the 弦紋三足樽等,在張公巷窯青瓷中尚未發現,這或許與張公
Southern Song court, a number of them have thus propounded 巷窯遺址發掘面積的局限性有關。
the possibility of Zhanggongixang kilns being the Official Kilns
of the Northern Song court. Another group of scholars hold 科技工作者對汝州市張公巷窯青瓷和寶豐縣清涼寺村汝窯青
a different view, and have suggested the time of production of 瓷進行測試分析後發現,二者胎、釉的化學組成存在較明顯
the Zhanggongxiang kilns to be either between Jin and Yuan, or 差異。主要表現在:張 公巷窯青瓷 胎的化學 組 成 呈 現高鋁低
between the late Northern Song and early Yuan periods, and that 鐵、鈦特徵,這可能是張公巷窯青瓷胎體可以做的相對較薄
the kilns were producing wares for the local government. 和胎體顏色較淺的原因之一。在釉中硅含量方面,張公巷窯
The types of vessels uncovered from Zhanggongxiang include 面,張公巷窯青瓷釉均低於清涼寺村汝窯青瓷釉。
bowls, dishes, saucers, basins, washers, ewers, vases, censers, cup
stands, stackboxes, pillows and covers. Types that are commonly
found amongst Ru wares such as alms bowls, boxes, and tripod
censers with moulded bow-string patterns, have not been
discovered amongst Zhanggongxiang wares, possibly as a result of
the limited size of the excavation.
Scientific analyses have shown a clear difference in the body
material and glaze composition between the Zhanggongxiang
wares and Qingliangsi Ru wares, most notably being the high
concentration of alumina, and the low concentration of iron
and titanium in the body of the former, which may have
been a contributing factor to its thinner potting and lighter
body colour. The concentration of silica in the glaze is higher
in Zhanggongxiang wares, while the concentrations of iron,
magnesium and calcium are all lower in Zhanggongxiang wares.