Page 58 - Classical Chinese Ceramics Vol 2 June 2016
P. 58

fig. 7

      fig. 6                                                                                fig. 8
    (圖六)                                                                                  (圖八)

    A broken biscuit rectangular dish with canted corners (fig. 5) was                    2012年河南省平頂山市寶豐縣大營鎮清涼寺村汝窯遺址曾出
    discovered from the Ru kiln sites in Qingliangsi, Baofeng County,                     土一件素燒長方委角折沿盤殘器(圖五),高2.5釐米,長23.6
    Henan Province in 2012, which measures 23.6 cm. long and 2.5                          釐米,寬15釐米。現藏河南省文物考古研究院。林俊先生也藏
    cm. high, and is now in the collection of the Henan Provincial                        有清涼寺村 汝 窯遺 址出土的 這 種 素燒 長方 委角折沿 盤 殘 片
    Institute of Archaeology. A fragment of a similar biscuit Ru dish                     (圖六)。據河南省文物考古研究院研究員趙宏先生介紹,目
    is in the collection of Lin Jun (fig. 6). According to Zhao Hong,                     前尚未見到清涼寺村汝窯遺址出土這種盤的成器,出土素燒
    researcher at the Henan Provincial Institute of Archaeology, no                       件也不多,如果按百分之十的收縮率計算,清涼寺汝窯素燒
    finished example of this type has been discovered at the Ru kiln                      長方委角折沿盤掛釉燒成後長20.7釐米、寬13.5釐米,與張公
    sites, and even biscuit ones are limited in number.2 If one takes                     巷窯豆青釉長方委角折沿盤的大小基本一致。鑒於汝窯的宮
    contraction during firing into account, using 10% as the rate in the                  廷性質和影響力,由此可推測張公巷窯豆青釉長方委角折沿
    calculation, the Qingliangsi biscuit Ru dish would have been 20.7                     盤造型應是模仿汝窯產品。
    cm. long and 13.5 wide after firing, which is almost the same size
    as the current dish. As Ru kilns produced official wares and were                     至於這種長方委角折沿盤的用途,推測可能屬於酒盞托盤,
    pre-eminent at the time, it is highly probable that the current dish                  一個盤中可同時放兩件酒盞。這種長方形盤的造型,對後世
    was made in imitation of its Ru counterparts.                                         中國工藝美術品的造型產生過重要影響,在明、清漆器和瓷
    The function of this type of rectangular dishes remains uncertain,
    though it is possible that they could have been used as trays for                     此件豆青釉長方委角折沿盤是目前僅見的一件張公巷窯此種
    wine cups, possibly holding two of them at the same time. This                        造型的作品,而且保存完好,釉色純正,故頗顯彌足珍貴。因
    form was perpetuated throughout the later dynasties, and can                          目前在清涼寺村汝窯遺址也發現了與此長方委角折沿盤造型
    be found on lacquer wares and porcelain of the Ming and Qing                          相同、燒 成 後 大小也 應 基 本一致的素燒 器,因此,此件 作品
    periods (figs. 7, 8).                                                                 堪稱研究汝窯與張公巷窯關係的珍貴實物資料。

    The current dish is the only known example of this form from the
    Zhanggongxiang kilns. It has been well preserved and the colour
    of the glaze is finely controlled.As it is remarkably similar in form
    and size to the biscuit Ru dish, it serves as an important witness to
    the inter-relatedness of these two renowned kiln sites.

    1 Guo Musen, ‘Ruyaoshi Zhanggongxiangyao ciqi chubu yanjiu’, Sun Xinmin et al.        1 郭木森:《汝州市張公巷窯瓷器初步研究》,載孫新民等主編:《北宋汝官窯
    (ed.), Beisong Guanyao yu Ruyao Zhanggongxiang zhenshang, Changcheng Publishing       與汝州張公巷窯珍賞》,長城出版社,2009年。
    House, 2009
                                                                                          2 參見故宮博物院編、呂成龍主編:《汝瓷雅集——故宮博物院珍藏及出土汝
    2 See Palace Museum, Lü Chenglong (ed.), Selection of Ru Ware of the Palace Museum’s  窯瓷器薈萃》,故宮出版社,2015年。
    Collection and Archaeological Excavation,The Forbidden City Publishing House, 2015

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