Page 105 - Vol_2_Archaeology of Manila Galleon Seaport Trade
P. 105
4 A Historical Review on the Social-Cultural Impact … 73
Baolu as species of coarse cereals is known as Liugu (*!, sixth crop) or maize. Refugees
leased !elds near riverside to grow it and was suppressed by Anhui of!cials in 12th year of
Jiaqing. (Lu 1970, pp. 585)
Considering the history of that maize had been !rstly domesticated in America
and introduced to the Philippines as one the most important cultivated crops, this
“foreign wheat” was most likely imported to China from the seaport of Yuegang.
4.1.3 Tomato
Tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., is known as Fanqie (!#), Fanshi (!$),
Xihongshi (!%$), Yangshizi (#$"), all meaning “foreign persimmon” in
Chinese language. Tomato also originated in south America and was domesticated
in Mexico. The domesticated species of tomato disseminated to Spain, Portugal,
other European countries and all over the world.
Tomato was transferred to the Philippines by galleon navigation in 17th century
and to other Asian countries after then. So the tomato was most likely brought to
China from southeast Asia by maritime route.
H. Wang (%!) said in Guang Qunfang Pu (An Introduction to Flowers of
Guangdong, !$!!#"):
Tomato is known as Fanshi (!$), meaning “foreign persimmon”, also called Liuyueshi
(*!$, Summer persimmon). The reason is that it originated from foreign country. (Wang
2003, pp. [846] 628)
4.1.4 Tobacco
Tobacco, Nicotianatabacum L., has been known as a series of transliteration as
Danbagu ($#$, $$$, $!#, $#%, "*&) in Chinese since the late
Ming Dynasty. The domesticated tobacco originated in America and disseminated
to other regions of the world through European navigation since 16th century
(Fig. 4.4). It is one of the special plants which changed the social life of humankind
so much in last 500 years.
A series of historical documents of late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty
recorded that tobacco had been transported from Luzon of the Philippines to
Yuegang as an important galleon cargo from America.
Lushu (Book on Clear Meaning of Things, !"#" recorded in Wanli ($!)
41th year (1613) of Ming Dynasty:
Tobacco is a kind of plant with leave growing in Luzon. The smoker of tobacco would be
intoxicated and it was a nicely medical preventer of miasma. The Yuegang merchants
brought tobacco species from the Philippines and grew it in Zhangzhou. After then the yield