Page 108 - Vol_2_Archaeology of Manila Galleon Seaport Trade
P. 108

76                                                            C. Wu

              Tobacco species originated in region of East Ocean, known as Danbagu in Chinese. It
              intoxicates the smoker who indulges in it all day. So tobacco is also called grass causing
              lovesickness. It is also a good medical preventer of miasma. (Chen and Deng 1968,
              pp. 179)
              A metal tobacco smoking pipe dating to 17th century was collected in Donggu
            (+() shipwreck in Dongshan ("!) County next to Yuegang. This tobacco pipe
            might be the earliest smoking set discovered in China after tobacco was imported to
            Yuegang (Fig. 4.5).
              After tobacco had been brought to Yuegang of Zhangzhou, it spread and was
            grown quickly throughout China. Smoking tobacco became a special social-cultural
            content in Chinese life. The imperial court of!cially prohibited the cultivating and
            smoking of tobacco during late Ming and Qing dynasties but !nally failed. The
            Chinese society unavoidably accepted this bitter gift from America by galleon
            navigation and had the largest smoking population in the world (Li 1997).

            4.2  The Exotic Products from European and New Spain
                 Promoted the Innovation of the Chinese Traditional
                 Handcraft Industry

            Some inventions in ancient China such as paper making, printing technique,
            compass and gunpowder disseminated to all over the old world through silk road
            and maritime silk road in last 2000 years. These “Four Great Inventions” had been
            the great contributions of Chinese civilization to the united community of human
            beings. In last 500 years, after the geographical discovery and maritime global-
            ization, a new wave of ideological innovation, industrial inventions and creations
            had promoted the social, commercial and scienti!c progress of western world,
            resulting the industrial revolution and synchronous change all over the world. The
            economical and technical progress of western world extended to eastern Asia
            through European global navigation, leaving a series of marks in the history of
            maritime cultures.
              The historical documents and archaeological discoveries have revealed that
            many industrial products and commercial artifacts from America and Europe as
            silver coins, silver materials, !rearm and etc. had arrived in Manila and then been
            brought into Yuegang and Southeastern coast of China.
              J. Xiao (!") said in the Introduction of Dongxiyang Kao (General Survey on
            the East and West Oceans, !"!#"" of Ming Dynasty:
              Haichen County is a oceanic region where farming and trading highly developed. Haichen
              people specialize in maritime trade with both oversea countries and civil markets. They live
              mostly on the food of marine !sh and daily necessities of exotic artifacts imported by
              maritime transportation. (Zhang 1981, pp. 15)
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