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                                             CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART


                                            WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2018䢴2018 ໝ 11 ᕕ 28 ᑽ䢮ᒩᕩ˕䢯

           AUCTION CODE AND NUMBER          AUCTION䢴ሠ㇫
           ሠ㇫ܕ␴ۢ⛷ⴽ                          Wednesday 28 November䢴11ᕕ28ᑽ䢮ᒩᕩ˕䢯
           In sending Written and Telephone bids   2.30pm (Lots 2901-3026) approximately, immediately following the sale of Multifarious
           or making enquiries, this sale should be   Colours - Three Enamelled Qianlong Masterpieces.
           referred to as HUA SHEN-15961
           ॼ㑏̵ᕊ㤚ݸ㣌づⒼᇹ⻢ᙂᆘᘀずሠ㇫でႎ              ☼˗ڏ2.30䢮ሠ㇫ި⛷ⴽ2901-3026䢯❀⬹Κ㚙 Ĝ ̖㡲ྐ⁅˕⚁ሠ㇫ྯ㢍ڭ⧂⻍ǐ
           ᓁ䢲オ〼ᒝሠ㇫ܕ␴ۢ⛷ⴽ᳦⩇⎘-15961ǐ           Location: Grand Hall, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre,
                                            No.1 Expo Drive, Wanchai, Hong Kong
           CONDITIONS OF SALE · BUYING AT   ঃ㷠䣀㪁᫓Ფ͒ښ⿪㑆1ⴽ㪁᫓ᕒㄺൢ⿪ˮ࿘૯ᕒਕ
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                                            Tuesday – Wednesday, 6 – 7 November䢴11ᕕ6⦰7ᑽ䢮ᒩᕩ̣⦰˕䢯
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                                            TAIPEI, Taipei Marriott Hotel
                                            Saturday – Sunday, 10 – 11 November䢴11ᕕ10⦰11ᑽ䢮ᒩᕩՍ⦰ᑽ䢯
                                            11.00am – 6.00pm
                                            Liang-Lin Chen
                                            Elaine Kwok
                                            Leila de Vos Van Steenwijk

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