Page 137 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 137

Created by a young Dutch artist, this painting was likely presented   本幅出於一位年輕的荷蘭藝術家筆下,很可能是在1905-1906年清廷
           to the diplomat Duanfang (1861-1911) during the 1905-1906   使團出洋考察期間贈予出洋五大臣之一端方(1861-1911)的禮物。
           international tour of the Imperial Chinese Commission. Embracing the   全卷以傳統中國手卷之形式裝裱,畫心為水彩所繪荷蘭景緻,而這一
           elongated horizontal format of a traditional Chinese handscroll, the   歐洲風景之左右亦附有引首及題跋。
           artist illustrates a Dutch scene with European gouaches. To the left
           and right of the composition, the calligraphic colophons bracket the   除其擔任官職外,端方也是一位著名的收藏家及鑑賞家。在出洋考察
           painting in a traditional Chinese manner.         期間,他亦有參觀各地博物館,並以私人藏品贈予歐美各機構。本卷
           Concurrent with his government duties, Duanfang was a well-known   家如李瑞清與王瓘等人之手。李氏本人曾在端方在南京任兩江總督同
           art collector and connoisseur, and while on the international tour he   時任兩江師範學堂監督,二人交遊甚密。
           visited museums and bestowed gifts from his personal collection
           to American and European institutions. This scroll was apparently a
           reciprocal gift to Duanfang. The additional calligraphy that is mounted
           with the European painting is by well-known late Qing dynasty
           calligraphers, such as Li Ruiqing and Wang Guan.

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