Page 58 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 58


           LU YINGXIANG (LATE 19TH CENTURY)                  Published/出版:
           Journey While Reclining, 1885                     Toda, Teisuke and Hiromitsu Ogawa comp. Comprehensive Illustrated
           Horizontal handscroll, ink and color on paper, inscribed by the artist   Catalogue of Chinese Paintings, Third Series, Volume 1: American and
           with a date of Guangxu yiyou, followed by two artist’s seals reading   Canadian Collections, University of Tokyo Press, 2013,
           Jingzhong and Lu Anxiang yin, with a third unidentified seal, mounted   A50-276, pp. 228-229
           with by a frontispiece by Xu Yunlin (19th century), titled in seal script   戶田禎佑、小川裕充,《中國繪畫總合圖錄》三編,第一卷,東京大
           and dated bingxu (1886) and signed Xu Yunlin with two calligrapher’s   學出版會,東京,2013年,A50-276,頁228-229
           seals, also mounted with a calligraphic colophon by Xu Yunlin
           dated bingxu.                                     Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, and Pauline Yao. Between the
           4 3/4 x 282in (12 x 716.7cm), the painting only, exclusive of the   Thunder and the Rain: Chinese Paintings from the Opium War Through
           frontispiece and colophon                         the Cultural Revolution, 1840-1979, San Francisco: Echo Rock
                                                             Ventures, in association with the Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee
           $2,000 - 3,000                                    Center for Asian Art and Culture, 2000, pp. 54-56
                                                             Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, and Pauline Yao,《風雲際
           陸應祥 臥遊圖 設色紙本 手卷 一八八五年作                            會:從鴉片戰爭到「文革」(1840-1979)的中國繪畫》,亞洲藝術
           Provenance/來源:                                    2000年,頁54-56
           Sotheby’s New York, 18 March 1997, lot 61

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