Page 53 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 53
According to Weng Tonghe’s inscription, someone offered to him 根據翁同龢在本幅上的題跋,他在1877年曾有機會購藏吳歷(1632-
the painting Xingfu an ganjiu tu (Remembering the past at the 1718)的《興福庵感舊圖》卷(1674年作),然終因對方要價過於
Xingfu Chapel, 1674) by Wu Li (ca. 1632-1718) for sale in 1877. 高昂作罷,只能摹原作以寄欣賞之情。吳歷原作現藏於北京故宮博物
Unfortunately, the painting was too expensive for him. Thus, he made a 院。對比二作,翁同龢的摹本雖保留了原作的構圖和題跋,但與原作
quick copy of the original work. Wu Li’s painting is now in the collection 卻並非完全一致。從翁題中可以看出,翁氏完全明瞭原畫乃是悼懷之
of the Palace Museum, Beijing. Comparing the two works, Weng 作,所懷之人墨容(?-1671)乃江蘇常熟興福寺方丈,曾從吳歷學
Tonghe’s painting is not an exact copy, although it does retain the 畫。有關此畫卷的更多討論,可參考姚寧《缺席者與亡者之形象——
original composition and inscription. From the poem written by Weng 以吳歷(1632-1718)的〈興福庵感舊圖〉(1672)為例》,海德堡
Tonghe, the artist apparently was aware of the commemorative subject 大學,2013年。
of the original painting, which was created to remember Wu Li’s friend
Morong (?-1671) -- a Chan monk who lived at the Xingfu Chapel. 有趣的是,本幅翁摹本在1915年曾與其他書畫一併為慈善家及收藏家
For further discussion on Wu Li’s work, see Ning Yao’s dissertation, 陸樹藩(1868-1926)所見。而陸氏在此處所留題跋則表明他也曾如
Representing Absence and Death: Wu Li’s (1632-1718) Handscroll 翁同龢般苦於資金不足,一度求購不得。然而陸氏終以出售貂裘籌得
Remembering the Past at the Xingfu Chapel (1672), Heidelberg 足夠資金,購得該批書畫
University, 2013.
Interestingly, the current lot was brought to the philanthropist, painting
and book collector Lu Shufan (1868-1926) in 1915 together with
other works for sale. In Lu’s colophon, he notes his financial situation
is similar to Weng Tonghe, and he did not have the means to add
these to his collection. However, he sold his winter fur coat in order to
acquire these works.