Page 50 - September 20 2021 Fabian Collection of Chinese Paintings Art Bonhams NYC
P. 50
WU DACHENG (1835-1902) Exhibited/展覽:
Landscapes, 1895 Between the Thunder and the Rain, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon
Album of twelve leaves, ink or ink and color on paper, the last leaf Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture, San Francisco, California,
inscribed with a dedication, dated the second month of yiwei and October 25, 2000-January 14, 2001
signed Wu Dacheng, with two artist’s seals reading shigui shanfang 《風雲際會:從鴉片戰爭到「文革」(1840-1979)的中國繪畫》,
and Kezhai, and two collector’s seals Xuezhai jingyan and Haiyan 亞洲藝術博物館,舊金山,加州,2000年10月25日至2001年1月14日
Shen shi zhencang.
4 7/8 x 10 3/8in (12.5 x 26.4cm), each leaf (12). New Songs on Ancient Tunes, Honolulu Museum of Art, Honolulu,
Hawaii, August 30-October 28, 2007
$7,000 - 10,000 《古調新歌:費立哲牧師珍藏十九及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝
吳大澂 仿古山水冊 設色紙本 冊頁十二開 一八九五年作
Provenance/來源: The inscription on the last leaf has a dedication to Liqiao. Among Wu
Far East Fine Arts, San Francisco, California, 1992 Dacheng’s contemporaries, there was a calligraphy and seal carving
加州舊金山遠東藝術中心,1992年 enthusiast named Zhou Xianyi (?-1917) from Hunan province,
courtesy name Liqiao. Zhou Xianyi shared the same interested as Wu
Published/出版: Dacheng, who was interested in studying epigraphy and collecting
Toda, Teisuke and Hiromitsu Ogawa comp. Comprehensive Illustrated ancient bronze.
Catalogue of Chinese Paintings, Third Series, Volume 1: American and
Canadian Collections, University of Tokyo Press, 2013, A50-52, p. 204 上款:「笠樵」應為周銑詒(?-1917),字荔樵、笠樵,號仲澤,
戶田禎佑、小川裕充,《中國繪畫總合圖錄》三編,第一卷,東京大 室名岳色堂、共墨齋。湖南永明(今永州)人。清同治拔貢,值中
學出版社,東京,2013年,A50-52,頁204 書,任思賢學院監學官。癖金石,工書法、篆刻,好收藏。除金石文
Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, and Pauline Yao。 Between 朝唐宋官印譜錄》、《昈齋遺詩》、《永明縣志》首一卷及末一卷、
the Thunder and the Rain: Chinese Paintings from the Opium War 《沅湘耆舊集續編》等。與胞弟周鑾詒(1859-1886)合輯《共墨齋
Through the Cultural Revolution, 1840-1979, San Francisco: Echo 藏古璽印譜》十卷。鑾詒字薈生,號季譻。光緒三年丁丑科(1877)
Rock Ventures, in association with the Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon 年十九歲考中進士,授翰林院編修。光緒十一年(1885)為廣東鄉試
Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture, 2000, p. 72 考官。光緒十八年(1892)八月,愙齋到湖南巡撫任,「蒞湘不及三
Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, Pauline Yao,《風雲際會:從 月,已頌聲大作矣」。次年奏請設立湘省求賢館,「不徒為延攬將才
鴉片戰爭到「文革」(1840-1979)的中國繪畫》,亞洲藝術博物 而設,但取其志向遠大,操守謹嚴」。據顧廷龍《吳愙齋先生年譜》
館,李鐘文亞洲藝術文化中心,舊金山,加州,2000年,頁72 ,光緒十九年(1893)正月,愙齋購求賢館及孝廉書院房屋,「周薈
Little, Stephen, and J. May Lee Barrett. New Songs on Ancient Tunes: 金,購作求賢館」,此即周鑾詒之舊居。
19th-20th Century Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Richard
Fabian Collection, Honolulu: Honolulu Museum of Art, 2007,
pp. 188-189
Little, Stephen, J. May Lee Barrett,《古調新歌:費立哲牧師珍藏十九