Page 40 - March 17, 2020 Imperial Jade and Cloisonne, Sotheby's, New York
P. 40
The present vase, with its exquisite enameling and majestic design of bats 本瓶琺瑯精美,紋飾華貴非凡,作瑞蝠翔飛雲
in flight amidst scrolling clouds was undoubtedly made for Imperial use 間,無疑乃為宮廷御用而製,展現乾隆年間皇
and is representative of imperial cloisonné enamels of the finest quality 家掐絲琺瑯器至臻品質。
commissioned for the court of the Qianlong Emperor.
After the sixth year of the Yongzheng reign (1728), the palace enamel 繼雍正六年之後,宮廷琺瑯作成功研製出本土
workshops succeeded in experimenting with locally manufactured enamels 琺瑯料,製作多種色彩,宮廷藝匠以之繪製各
and instigated the production of a whole new palette of enamel colors, which 種繁複紋飾,其中粉紅及白彩可混合以營造各
allowed the court enamelers to deploy a wide array of colors to create complex 種色彩層次,所成紋飾更富畫意。
designs on vessels. Of particular significance is the production of two new
enamel colors, pink and white, which allowed decorations of enameled wares 本瓶所飾雲蝠紋,造工精細,取靈感自同期瓷
to be executed with more sophisticated color gradations, lending them a 器,甚為鮮見。瑞蝠紋以紅彩為主色,以深淺
‘painterly’ quality.
The rare and masterfully executed design of ‘bats and clouds’ seen on the 蝠、鈷藍雲紋有異曲同工之妙。可比較一無款
present vase takes its inspiration from contemporary porcelain wares. Here, 之乾隆天球瓶例,清宮舊藏,圖載於《故宮
the use of the predominantly red enameled bats on a ground of shaded dark
and light blue clouds is reminiscent of copper- and iron-red bats and washes 博物院藏文物珍品全集.青花釉裡紅》,香
of cobalt blue clouds found on porcelain wares, such as on an unmarked 港,2000年,圖版212。
Qianlong period tianqiuping in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The
Complete Collection of Treasures in the Palace Museum. Blue and White 瓶器造型優雅,頸部下方一圈鎏金尤其獨特,
Porcelain with Underglaze Red (III), Hong Kong, 2000, pl. 212. 亦乃源自清代瓷器。比較一懷海堂雅藏黃地瓶
The elegant form, particularly unusual given the inclusion of the stepped gilt-
rim at the shoulder, similarly finds its origins in Qing dynasty porcelains. The 暇清賞──懷海堂藏清代御窰瓷瓶》,香港中
form is seen on a yellow-ground Jiaqing mark and period ‘bats and lotus’ vase 文大學文物館,香港,2007年,編號135。
in the Huaihaitang Collection, included in the exhibition Ethereal Elegance.
Porcelain Vases of the Imperial Qing. The Huaihaitang Collection, Art Museum, 取材自瓷器紋飾器型之銅胎掐絲琺瑯器,臻品
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2007, cat. no. 135. 鮮見,僅數例可供參考。比較一雍正銅胎掐絲
Masterful transfers of a porcelain form and design into cloisonné enamel are 琺瑯龍紋天球瓶例,載於《香港蘇富比三十週
extremely rare and only a relatively small number of vessels of this category 年》,香港,2003年,圖版283;該例亦載於朱
are known. An earlier Yongzheng period cloisonné enamel ‘dragon’ tianqiuping 塞佩•埃斯卡納齊及薛好佩,《中國藝術品經
is illustrated in Sotheby’s: Thirty Years in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2003, pl. 眼錄:埃斯卡納齊的回憶》,倫敦,2012年,
283; and in Giuseppe Eskenazi in collaboration with Hajni Elias, A Dealer’s 圖版158,並三度易手於香港蘇富比1995年5月
Hand. The Chinese Art World Through the Eyes of Giuseppe Eskenazi, London, 2日,編號118、2002年5月7日,編號580,以及
2012, pl. 158; and sold three times in our Hong Kong rooms, 2nd May 1995, lot 2004年10月31日,編號25。
118; 7th May 2002, lot 580; and 31st October 2004, lot 25.