Page 485 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
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Accomplishments, Four, ii. 133, 282, 299       Bamboo grove, ii. 208, 215, 281
Adams, H., ii. 136                             Bamboo pattern, ii, 149, 264, 269
Akahada, i, 123                                Bamboo thread brush marks, i. 92
Alamgir, ii. 13
Alchemy, god of, ii. 288                       Barrel-shaped seats, ii. 8, 15, 17, 97, 277
Alexander Collection, i. 51, 56, 57, 68, 115,  Basket of flowers, ii. 67
                                               Batavian porcelain, ii. 191
       121, 125 ; ii. 49, 119, 171, 205, 220   Bats, five, ii. 11, 204, 224, 295, 300, 301
Alms bowl, ii. 285                             Battersea, ii. 260
Altar cups, ii. 7, 8, 35, 93
Altar sets, i. 206 ; ii. 272                   Bear, the, i. 12
Ambassadors of the Tribes of Man,              Bell, Hamilton, i. 114
                                               Benson Collection, i. 56, 104, 169 ; ii. 27
       eight, ii. 262, 268, 283                Biddulph, Sir R., ii. 23
Amida Buddha, ii. 302                          Bijapur, i. 87 ; ii. 78
Amoy, i. 184, 202 ; ii. 112
Ancestor worship, ii. 283                      Billequin, M., ii. 233
Anderson, W., ii. Ill, 281, 303                Binyon, L., i. 44 ; ii. 242
                                               Bird, the red, i. 20, 56
An hua (secret decoration), ii. 6, 8. 17, 37,  Birds, ii. 294
                                               Birds, the Hundred, ii. 295
        52, 56, 63                             " Birthday plates," ii. 169, 207
Animal forms, ii. 159                          Birthday, the Emperor's, ii. 63
Animal motives, ii. 292                        Biscuit, ii. 18, 75, 77, 100, 190. 197
Annals of Fou-liang, i. 141, 153, 155 ; ii.    Biscuit figures in high relief, ii. 89
                                               Black and gold decoration, ii. 215
        35, 228, 231                           Black, brown, ii. 155
                                               Black, famille rose, ii. 210
Annals of Han Dynasty, i. 144
                                               Black glaze, varieties of, ii. 156, 159, 192,
Annals of the Sui Dynasty, i. 143                     229

Anthropological Museum at Petrograd,           Black ground gilt, ii. 231
                                               Black ground, white decoration in, ii. 231
        i. 101                                 Black, mirror, ii. 192, 193, 218, 226, 230
Antiques, the Hundred, ii. 134,181, 297, 298   Black Rock Hill, i. 16
" Ant tracks," i. 117                          Blackthorn, ii. 264
Arabesques, ii. 130, 131, 133
Arabic writing, ii. 31                         Black Warrior, the, i. 20
Architectural pottery, i. 201, 205, 206        Blanc de Chine, ii. 109, 112
Ardebil, ii. 69                                Blessings, five, ii. 300
Arhats, i. 35 ; ii. 43, 285                    " Blue and white," i. 164 ; ii. 3, 8, 9, 11,

Arita, ii. 173                                          13, 24, 26, 29, 36, 38, 47, 56, 89, 92,
Armorial porcelain, ii. 202, 203, 251, 256,            203, 239, 240, 263, 268, 271

        257, 258                               Blue and white, K'ang Hsi, ii. 67, 128-144
Arrow cylinder, ii. 274                        Blue and white porcelain, Ming, ii. 105
Ary de Milde, i. 178                           Blue, cloisonne, ii. 219, 220, 224, 229, 231
Ash colour, see Hui se.                        Blue, lapis lazuli, ii. 239
" Ashes of roses," ii. 124                     Blue, mazarine, ii. 183
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, i, 193 ; ii.         Blue, mottled, ii. 204
                                               " Blue of the sky after rain," i. 41, 42, 52,
Astbury ware, i. 178                                   54, 62 ; ii. 10, 179
Aster pattern, ii. 134                         Blue painting on Sung wares, i. 99, 104,
Attiret, i. 205
Augustus the Strong, i. xxiii, 178 ; ii. 113,          158
                                               Blue, powder, ii. 127, 170, 180, 181, 183.
" Awns," i. 92                                         218
                                               Blue " put in press," ii. 143
" Baba ghouri," i. 87

Bahr, A. W., i. 32, 124, 171

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