Page 488 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 488

312 Inde X

Ghini-hane, ii. 69                                Combed patterns, i. 85, 150

Chin-shih, i. 167                                 Confucius, i. 7, 18, 79 ; ii. 40, 43, 283
Chin-ts'un, i. 76, 80                             Constantinople, i. 87
Chipped edges of plates, ii. 140
Chiu, wine, ii. 34                                Convex centre, bowls with, ii. 51
Cho king lu, i. 55, 60, 61, 66, 109, 134
Chou dynasty, i. 3, 44 ; ii. 41                   Cope Bequest, ii. 149
Chou, Hui, i. 157
Chou liao-ch'i, 1. 174                            Copper oxide, i. 118, 137 ; ii. 10, 177, 232
Chou Mao-Shu, ii. 25, 296                         Copper red, ii. 6, 11, 55
Chou Tan-ch'iian, i. 94, 95, 96 ; ii. 65
Chou Ts'ang, ii. 284                              Coral red, ii, 6, 48, 51
Chrome tin, ii. 177
Chrysanthemum plant, ii. 25, 296                  Corea, i. 39, 134, 148, 150, 151
Ch'iian-chou Fu, i. 86, 188 ; ii. 108
                                                  Corean  design,  i.  34,  107                      ii. 56
CM chai tsa chi, i. 98                                                                            ;

Ch'ii Chih-kao, i. 201                            Corean wares, i. 39, 42, 54, 59, 84, 85, 102,
Chu fan chih, i. 86
Chu Hsi, i. 20                                           107, 149, 150, 151 ; ii. 115
Chu Mai-ch6n, ii. 282                             Cornaline, i. 53 ; ii. 123
Chu ming gao, ii. 305                             Cornelian, ii. 10
Chu pao shan, 1. 202
Chu shih cha, ii. 167                             Cornflower sprigs, ii. 258

CUu yao, i. 76, 80                                Corpse pillows, i. 105

Ch'u-Chou Fu, i. 76, 77, 80, 83, 201              Cotton cultivation, ii. 164
Ch'ui ch'ing, ii. 180, 181
Ch'ui bung, ii. 125                               Couleurs de demi grand feu, ii. 18, 20
Chiin chou, i. 179, 198
Ch'un fSng fang sui pi, i. 77                     Couleurs de grand feu, ii. 98
Chun glaze of the muffle kiln, i, 120, 177 ;
                                                  Couleurs de petit feu, ii. 20
       ii. 217                                    " Crab's claw " crackle i. 53, 60, 67, 96
Chiin-t'ai, i. 109
Chun wares, i. 41, 42, 48, 62, 109-130, 157.      Crab-shell green, i. 117

        167, 179, 181 ; ii. 18, 19, 94, 220, 229  Cracked specimens, ii. 233

CHung Chin, ii. 86                                Crackle, i. 67, 68, 99, 171 ; ii. 9, 37, 99,
                                                         121, 142, 180, 189, 197, 198, 199, 218
 Chung-hO'fang, ii. 145
Church, Sir A., i. 167                            Crackle, apple green, ii. 121, 125, 187
Ch'ii-yang Hsien, i. 199
Cicada, ii. 73, 295                               Crackle, buff, ii. 145

 Cicerone, i. 87                                  Crackle, fish roe, i. 53, 67

Citron dishes, ii. 8                              Crackle, green, ii. 170
Civil and military vases, ii. 281
Clair de lune, i. 60 ; ii. 179, 219, 252          Crackle, millet, ii. 197
Clays, ferruginous, i. 80
" Clobbered china," ii. 261                       Crackle, oatmeal, ii. 199

Clennell, W. J., i. 155, 156                      Crackle, plum blossom, i. 61 ; ii. 244

Cloisonn6 blue, ii. 219, 220                      Crane, ii. 288
Cloisonne enamels, i, 167 ; ii. 17, 82, 209,      " Crane cups," i. 17

        232 243                                   Cranes, six, ii. 61
Cloud and thunder pattern, ii. 272, 290, 302
Cloud pattern, ii. 302                            Cricket pots, fighting, i, 188 ; ii. 21, 160, 275
 ' Cloud scroll," i. 113 ; ii. 42
Club shaped, ii. 274                              Crickets, fighting, ii. 295
Cobalt, ii. 12, 98
Cochin China, i. 144                              Crucifixion, ii. 252
Cock, ii. 294
Cole, Fay-Cooper, i. 87, 189                      Crusader plate, ii. 113
Colouring agents, i. 49
Colours, famille verte, ii. 163                   Crutch, ii. 287

 Colours, foreign, ii. 221, 225, 229, 232, 242,   Cumberbatch Collection, ii, 49
                                                  Cups floating on river, ii. 168, 281
 Colours iridescent, ii. 241, 264
 Colours, mixed, ii. 264, 271                     Cups, Keyser, ii. 252

                                                  Cups, libation, ii. 278

                                                  Cycles, table of, i 211

                                                  Cyclical dates, i. 210, 213; ii. 213, 230, 240,


                                                  Cyclical dates, table of, i. 212

                                                  Dana Collection, i. 11

                                                  Date marks, i. 210
                                                  Date marks prohibited, i. 208
                                                  Dated porcelain, ii. 213, 257, 263
                                                  Deer, ii. 286, 294
                                                  Deer, the Hundred, ii. 61, 243

                                                  de Groot, Dr. J. J. M., i. 17, 18, 19, 20,
                                                         21, 105; ii. 25, 110

                                                  Delft, i. 178; ii. 139, 251, 252
                                                  Demons, ii. 290
                                                  Denkmaler Persischer Baukunst, ii. 69
                                                  Derby, i. 114 ; ii. 251, 258
                                                  Deshima, ii. 173
                                                  Dharmatrata, 11. 285
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