Page 490 - Chinese pottery and porcelain : an account of the potter's art in China from primitive times to the present day
P. 490

314 Index

Fan Ching-ta, i. 136                                             Fu (happiness), ii. 11
                                                                 Fu Chou, i. 16
Fan bung, ii. 10, 34, 35, 37, 48, 52, 55, 101                    Fu fan chih ts'ao, ii. 108
Fan tz't, ii. 196                                                Fu Hsi, ii. 41, 290
                                                                 Fu ju tung hai, ii. 62
Fat-Shan Chun, i. 123, 171, 172, 179                             Fu kuei flower, ii. 294
                                                                 Fu lang, ii. 231
Feet, cramping of, i. 24
                                                                 Fu, Lu, Shou, ii. 62
Fei ts'ui, i. 38 ; ii. 237
                                                                 Fu si, ii. 24, 26
Fei-kuan, i. 107                                                 Fu shou k'ang ning, ii. 43, 75

Fin cHing, i. 53, 54, 59, 60, 67, 71, 99                         Fu-hsing, ii. 287
                                                                 Fukien porcelain, i. 8 ; ii. 78, 108, 110
Fin hung, i. 60, 65
                                                                        251, 259
Fin ting, i. 90 ; ii. 218                                        Fulham, i. 178
                                                                 " Funeral vases," i. 56, 147
FSng-kan, i. 56                                                  Fungus design, ii. 11, 95, 204, 224
                                                                 Furnace transmutations, i. 137, 156, 175 ;
Fing-huang, ii. 293
                                                                        ii. 18, 192, 218, 232
Field Museum, Chicago, i. 128, 182, 189,
                                                                 G (mark), ii. 136, 137, 167
194, 198, 199, 200                                               Gama Sennin, ii. 288

Figures, i. 107, 108, 197, 201 ; ii. 110, 151,                   Gandhara, i. 17
                                                                 Garlic-shaped vases, ii. 273
152, 197, 251, 279, 283                                          Gems, seven, ii. 298
                                                                 General, the chess-playing, i. 79
Figures in European costumes, ii. Ill, 251                       Genghis Khan, i. 159
                                                                 Genii of Mirth and Harmony, Twin, ii.
Figures in liigh relief, ii. 102
                                                                         159, 288
Firefly decoration, ii. 247                                      Gilding, i. 163, 177 ; ii. 37, 102, 162, 164,

Fish bowls, ii. 36, 59, 117, 229, 234, 275,                              173, 183, 215, 226, 231, 246
                                                                 Giles, H. A., i. 24
281                                                              Ginger jar, i. 182 ; ii. 134
                                                                 Glass, i. 200 ; ii. 215
Fish, double, ii. 294                                            Glass, Bristol, ii. 215
                                                                 Glass, mille fiori, ii. 234
Fish roe crackle, i. 53, 67                                      Glaze, bird's egg, i. 177 ; ii. 217, 233

Fish roe design, ii. 167                                         Glaze, black, i. 11, 31, 42, 93, 103, 106, 131,

Fish- dragon, ii. 284                                                    ii. 192
                                                                 Glaze, chocolate brown, i. 31
Fishes, i. 78 ; ii. 7, 9, 11, 40, 204, 224                       Glaze, crystalline, i. 171, 178
FitzWilUam Museum, i. 125, 127                                   Glaze, donkey's liver and horse's lung, i,

Five blessings, ii. 300                                                  119
                                                                 Glaze, dragon skin, i. 110, 113
Five colours, ii. 19, 20
                                                                  Glaze, first use of, i. 8
Florentine porcelain, ii. 44                                     Glaze, flambe, i. 50, 118, 119, 168, 205 ;

Flower Fairv, ii. 289                                                    ii. 85, 124, 193, 218, 232, 233, 235
                                                                 Glaze, Han, i. 10
Flower  pots,  i.  109,  110,  113,  114,  197                   Glaze, hare's fur, i. 93
                                                              ;  Glaze, iron rust, ii. 233
                                                                  Glaze, lavender, i. 48, 63, 109, 168
u. 19, 275                                                        Glaze, lavender grey, i. 49
                                                                  Glaze, lemon yellow, ii. 264
Flower vases, ii. 273, 275                                        Glaze, leopard skin, ii. 192
                                                                  Glaze, liver, ii. 238
Flowers, ii. 295                                                  Glaze, maroon red, ii. 178, 179, 238
                                                                  Glaze, Ming, ii. 93
Flowers, basket of, ii. 67
                                                                 Glaze, moon white, ii. 224
Flowers, celestial, ii, 38
                                                                  Glaze, oil green, ii. 224
Flowers, fairy, ii. 295                                           Glaze, old turquoise, i. 48
                                                                  Glaze, opalescent, i. 50, 51, 62, 110, 118
Flowers for the months, ii. 295                                   Glaze, peach bloom, ii. 99, 146, 176, 177

Flowers, the Hundred, ii. 243                                            178, 179
                                                                  Glaze, pea green, ii. 37, 99
Flute, ii. 287, 288
" Flying gallop," i. 12

Fly-whisk, ii. 287

Fo long, ii. 209, 231

Fo t'ou ch'ing, ii. 30, 98

Foot, finishing off the, ii. 92, 202, 249

Foot rim, grooved, ii. 26, 92, 129

Forgeries, ii. 304-307

Forms, ii. 60, 272-279

Fou-liang, i. 140, 152

Fou-liang, Annals of, i. 141, 153, 155

ii. 35, 228, 231

Franks Collection, i. xxiii; ii. 4, 5, 14, 17,

21, 26, 27, 121

Franks, Sir WoUaston, ii. 212

Freer Collection, i. 33, 71, 114, 129

French, A. B., ii. 212
" Fresh red," ii. 35, 36, 123

Fretwork, incised, ii. 76

Friends, three, ii. 269, 289, 296

Frog wares, ii. 66

Frog's spawn, ii. 167

Fruits, three, ii, 11, 204, 224, 296
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