Page 16 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Eternal Music in Chinese art
P. 16
Early Western Zhou Dynasty
Of slightly flattened barrel form, both exterior faces with three rows of
nine projecting mei bosses evenly distributed and divided by bands
of smaller bosses separated by zoomorphic scrolls, the flat top
decorated with similar scrolls, the tapering collared cylindrical shaft
with a suspension loop on one side, the bronze with light malachite
and azurite encrustation, stand.
47.1cm (18 1/2in) high (2).
HKD400,000 - 600,000
US$52,000 - 77,000
西周早期 青銅雲紋甬鐘
Paul E. Manheim (1906-1999), USA
Sotheby’s New York, 16 September 2009, lot 101 (part lot)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York,1968-2009 (on loan)
Bell, early Western Zhou, Yejia Shan, Hubei Paul E. Manheim (1906-1999年)舊藏
湖北葉家山出土西周早期甬鐘 紐約蘇富比,2009年9月16日,拍品101(其一)
The present bell appears to be one of the earliest-known examples of two- 鐘甬中通穿過舞部,旋部起細棱線,組成抽象鳳鳥紋四組,每組鳥眼
tone bells with motifs decorated to indicate the striking point for a second 凸起如乳釘,舞身飾竊曲紋,鐘身合瓦狀,起乳釘紋為欄,枚凸起頗
tone. Bells of this type were made in graduated sizes to form a tuned set 細長,前後各十八枚,鉦部光素,篆部飾凸起細線組成的變種竊曲
or bianzhong, ‘chime’. Two-tone bells permitted a wider range of notes 紋,鼓中心飾凸線組成鳳尾紋,一鐘兩調。
with a certain number of bells. According to the Zhou Li, (the Rites of Zhou)
from the Eastern Zhou period, only Kings, Marquises and other selected 甬鐘因舞上之甬而名,和鈕鐘相區別,自身銘文則多自稱「鐘」而
aristocratic groups were entitled to possess such bronze bells, and the 已。鐘為中國禮樂最重要的樂器,多件成組即編鐘,懸掛不同件數的
number of sets allowed varied according to different Royal titles. 鐘磬組成樂懸制度以顯地位高低。《周禮·春官·小胥》載:「正樂縣
Only a few sets of early Western Zhou yongzhong bells have been 縣,謂鐘磬之屬縣於筍簴者。鄭司農雲:宮縣,四面縣;軒縣,去其
found in archaeological sites. Compare with a very similar set of 一面;判縣,又去其一面;特縣又去其一面。四面,象宮室四面有
four yongzhong bells (the largest 46.2cm high), found in 2013 in an 牆,故謂之宮縣。軒縣三面,其形曲,故《春秋傳》曰:請曲縣、繁
early Western Zhou tomb of the State of Zeng in Yejiashan, Suizhou, 纓以朝諸侯之禮也。故曰:惟器與名不可以假人。」《周禮》所載即
illustrated in Suizhou yejiashan xizhou zaoqi zengguo mudi (Early 是天子、諸侯、卿大夫、士不同等級者所用編鐘的規範。其中,諸侯
Western Zhou Tombs of State of Zeng in Yejiashan, Suizhou), Beijing, 之卿大夫及士用特懸,即兩柱上托一橫樑的編鐘;諸侯及天子之卿用
2013, pp.138-143, pl.68. Compare with three other sets of three 軒懸,又稱曲懸,即呈曲尺形架懸掛編鐘;天子用宮懸,即兩個曲尺
yongzhong bells of a similar form and decoration but smaller size (the 形架相合為一近似宮室四面牆的方形架子懸掛編鐘。
largest 43cm high); one set found in an early Western Zhou tomb of
the State of Yu in Zhuyuangou, Baoji; another set found in a tomb 此鐘極厚重,小乳釘界欄及細線陽文紋飾西周早期到兩周之際皆有
of the State of Yu in Rujiazhuang, Baoji, both illustrated in Zhongguo 見,類似實物則集中出土於陝西、山西及山東,周室延伸之江漢地區
yinyue wenwu daxi: shanxi Tianjin juan, (The Great Collection of 亦有蹤跡。2013年湖北省文物考古研究所在葉家山M111號墓地中亦
Historical Relics of Music in China: Shanxi and Tianjin), Zhengzhou, 發現4件保存完好的甬鐘,其形制和紋飾均與此件類似(最大46.2厘
1999, pp.29-32, fig.1-2;and a third set of three yongzhong bells 米高),見《隨州葉家山西周早期曾國墓地》,北京,2013年,頁
of similar form and decoration excavated in Pudu village, Xi’an, 138-143,圖版68。另件1980年陝西寶雞出土弓魚(一字,國名)國
illustrated by M.Hayashi in In shū seidōki sōran, Shanghai, 2017, vol.1 墓葬群出土兩套三件一組的甬鐘和本件極似,皆乳釘起欄線,鼓正中
Illustrations, p.383, fig.Bell 33. Both archaeological sites in the former 之紋飾,尺寸較本拍品稍小(最大43厘米高),可參考最大一件,見
States of Zeng and Yu were dated to the early Western Zhou period. 《中國音樂文物大系:陝西天津卷》,鄭州,1999年,圖版1-2,頁
See also a single bronze yongzhong bell, Western Zhou period, in 土一套三件西周甬鐘,紋飾制式與本件頗似,見林巳奈夫著,《殷周
the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in Collections of the Palace 青銅器綜覽》,上海,2017年,第一卷圖片,頁383,圖鐘33。
Museum: Bronzes, Taipei, 2007, no.90, p.136. See also two related
bronze yongzhong bells with similarly decorated scrolls, excavated in 北京故宮藏一件西周中期甬鐘亦頗類似,見北京故宮博物院編,《你
Shandong Province, illustrated by Zhu Xiaofang, The Research into 應該知道的200見青銅器》,台北,2007年,圖版90,頁136。山東
the Bells of Zhou Dynasty in Shandong Area, Shanghai, 2016, p.48, 出土數件甬鐘和本件風格頗似,皆甬中通,細線陽文紋飾,見朱曉芳
nos.2-5 and 2-6. Compare with a further set of bronze yongzhong bells, 著,《齊魯金聲—山東地區兩周樂鐘研究》,上海,2016年,圖2-5
Western Zhou dynasty, but with later inscriptions, illustrated by Chen 及2-6,頁48。上海博物館藏一套西周晉侯鐘,其中數件紋飾亦是凸
Peifen, Research on Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty Bronze Vessels: The 起細紋,鉦部銘文為後刻,可參考之,見陳佩芬著,《夏商周青銅器
Collection of the Shanghai Museum, Shanghai, 2004, pp.568-569. 研究:東周篇下》,上海,2004年,頁568-569。