Page 20 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Eternal Music in Chinese art
P. 20
Image courtesy of Palace Museum, Beijing Image courtesy of Xi’an Antique Protect
北京故宮博物院藏 Archaeology Academy
Tang Dynasty
The attenuated hourglass-shaped body moulded with seven
bowstrings and covered in a finely speckled dark-brown glaze with
milky-blue phosphatic splashes with irregular trails and spots, the
interior covered with a similar glaze but without splashes, stopping
short of the unglazed rim at both ends, box.
58.5cm (23in) long (2).
HKD250,000 - 350,000
US$32,000 - 45,000
唐 魯山窯系黑釉藍斑拍鼓
The present drum is a rare example of the phosphatic-glaze-splashed 鼓桶身,細腰,長條,鼓身隆起等距七棱,通體施黑釉,釉層頗厚,
ware produced in Lushan County, Henan Province during the Tang 表面點施褐色斑點,隨性為之。
dynasty. Its hourglass-shaped form was inspired from the jiegu, a
waisted wooden musical instrument adopted by members of the 拍鼓本是西域樂器,西漢傳入中原,形式紛繁,材質多樣。唐代最流
Tang aristocracy from the Central Asian region of Kucha, as recorded 行的拍鼓為羯鼓,唐代南卓所著《羯鼓錄》記載:「羯鼓處外夷,以
in Tang dynasty literature by Nan Zhao, Jiegu lu (Records of Jiegu), 戎羯之鼓,故曰羯鼓...壴桑(音搡)如漆筒,下以小牙床承之。」魯
Shanghai, reprinted 1958. Instead of being carried around, a ceramic 山窯瓷鼓體量厚重,難以攜行或用作腰鼓,亦當下承座子,一如唐代
drum such as the present lot, would have been placed on a wood 羯鼓。鼓兩端蒙以獸皮,手拍或者以木棍擊打,日本奈良正倉院藏一
stand, with drumheads made of animal skins. See a waisted sancai- 副鼓皮殘件以及一件唐代三彩瓷鼓,可資參考,館藏編號南倉116及
glazed drum, and a surviving portion of leather drumhead, Tang 114。
dynasty, in the Shosoin Repository, Imperial Household Agency, Nara,
Japan ( Section 114 and 116). 魯山窯較少為人所知,1977年故宮博物院馮先銘率隊於河南魯山段店
Shards of similar phosphatic-glazed drums were found in the Duandian 鼓殘片,見倫敦東方陶瓷協會展覽,「Kiln Sites of Ancient China」,
kiln site in Lushan, Henan Province, and were included in the Oriental 倫敦, 1980年,《圖錄》 編號 403 及404, 以及 《The Discovery of
Ceramic Society exhibition, ‘Kiln Sites of Ancient China’, London, Ru Kiln》, 香港, 1991年, 圖版23 (左下圖)。
1980, Catalogue nos.403 and 404, and also in The Discovery of Ru
Kiln, Hong Kong, 1991, pl.23 (bottom left). 1982年西安大明宮遺址出土一件相似腰鼓,腰部較為細瘦,見《中國
A similar drum with slightly narrower waist, unearthed from the site of 知魯山窯曾經供御。完整的類似瓷鼓可參考北京故宮收藏一件唐代魯
Daming Palace of Tang Dynasty, Xi’an, in 1982, which might have been 山窯系黑釉藍斑拍鼓,和本件極似,見《故宮博物院文物珍品大系:
used at the Tang court, is illustrated in Zhongguo yinyue wenwu daxi: 晉唐瓷器》,香港,2007年,圖版189,頁204。同書亦著錄另一件
Shaanxi Tianjin juan (Compendium of Chinese Musical Instruments: 唐代淡黃釉鼓,亦資參考,圖版176,頁191。唐代除了魯山地區生產
Shaanxi Province and Tianjin), Zhengzhou, 1999, p.120, fig.191. 瓷鼓,河南其它地區亦有生產。除日本奈良正倉院藏唐代三彩腰鼓之
Compare with a closely related phosphatic-glaze splashed black-glazed 會博物館收藏一件唐代磁州窯劃花鼓,館藏編號18.56.34。
waisted drum, Tang dynasty, illustrated in The Complete Collection of
the Treasures of the Palace Museum: Porcelain from the Jin to the Tang
Dynasty, Hong Kong, 2007, p.204, no.189. It is more common to find
ceramic drums produced by other kilns in Henan Province, such as the
sancai-glazed drum in the Shosoin Repository. See also a pale-yellow-
glazed drum, Tang dynasty, illustrated in ibid., Hong Kong, 2007, p.191,
no.176; and a Cizhou sgraffiato ‘flower’ drum, Tang dynasty in The
Metropolitan Museum of Art (