Page 50 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Eternal Music in Chinese art
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           FOUR SETS OF GUQIN TABLATURE COLLECTIONS, QINPU   Zheng Shunan (1915-1982) was a descendant of the Zheng clan
           Comprising: Chuncaotang Qinpu, 2 volumes, 1744, with a collector’s   from the Song dynasty, of which whose members migrated south
           seal reading mo youzhi tushu ji; Ziyuantang Qinpu, 12 volumes, 1801,   to Ningbo after two decades of sporadic warfare. They settled in a
           with a collector’s seal reading zheng shunan yin; Kumuchan Qinpu,   building complex nowadays known as the Zhengshi shi qi fang. After
           2 volumes, 1893, with a collector’s seal reading sun yude yin; Qinlu   his apprenticeship with the renowned guqin performer Xu Yuanbai, he
           Zhizhang, one volume, 1898, with two collector’s seals reading   became a master of guqin of the Yushan School.
           jiangyin liu shi and liu fu.
           The largest 27cm (10 3/4in) x 15.1cm (6in) (17).  Liu Fu (1891-1934), or Liu Bannong, a native of Jiangsu, was a linguist
                                                             and poet. He was an important contributor to the influential magazine
           HKD20,000 - 50,000                                New Youth (Xin Qingnian) during the May Fourth Movement, and later
           US$2,600 - 6,500                                  worked as the chief editor at the Chuang Hwa Book Company and as
                                                             an Associate Professor at Peking University.

           乾隆九年刻本 春草堂琴譜 兩冊                                   Born in Shanghai, Sun Yude (1904-1981) was one of the most
           鈐印:莫有芝圖書記                                         respected musicians in China specialising in flute and pipa. Sun was
                                                             the First Associate Concertmaster of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra,
           嘉慶六年刻本 自遠堂琴譜 十二冊                                  a committee member of the Chinese Musicians Association, and a
           鈐印:鄭樹南印                                           Deputy Director of the Shanghai Committee for National Music.

           光緒戊戌刻本 琴律指掌 一冊                                    莫友芝(1811-1871)字子偲,自號郘亭,又號紫泉。獨山翁奇兔場
           鈐印:江陰劉氏、劉復                                        上街布依族人。與鄭珍並稱為「西南巨儒」。精於文字訓詁之學。

           清光緒十九年刻本 枯木禪琴譜 二冊
           鈐印:孫裕德印                                           鄭樹南(1915-1982)是近代上海大收藏家,寧波十七房後人、虞山
           In the past, qin music was passed on from teacher to student directly.
           However, some tablature has been written down, often to preserve
           music or as a reference book. Written guqin music did not directly tell   劉復(1891-1934) 語言學家、文學家。 原名壽彭,字半農,號曲庵,
           what notes were played; instead, it was written in a tablature detailing   筆名寒星,江蘇省江陰縣人。曾任《中華新報》特約編譯員和中華書
           tuning, finger positions, and stroke technique, thus comprising a step   局編輯、《新青年》重要撰稿人之一和編輯、北京大學預科教授。去
           by step method and description of how to play a piece.

           Mo Youzhi (1811-1871), courtesy name Zicai, artistic name Luting, is   孫裕德(1904-1981),祖籍寶山縣月浦新興鎮,生於上海。我國著
           recorded as a scholar of the Bouyei ethnic group from Southwestern   名的民族音樂家。生前歷任上海民族樂團第一副團長、中國音樂家民
           China, and was renowned for his profound knowledge in literature   族音樂委員會委員、上海市文聯委員、上海市民族音樂委員會副主任
           and philology.                                    等職,還擔任過上海市政協委員。擅長笛簫、琵琶。

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