Page 186 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 186


PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN                                             十八世紀
MOUNTED AND PASTE-SET STRIKING AND                                  來源:
MUSICAL ‘DRESSING TABLE’ PORTICO                                    東京根津美術館收藏
CLOCK                                                               香港佳士得2008年5月27日,編號1506

of lavish portico design, the breakfront base resting on eight
toupee feet and modelled with two drawers flanking a central
guilloché panel decorated in gold, blue, green and red metal
foils against a rich royal blue ground, depicting floral sprays
flanking an oval medallion enclosing a vase of floral blooms,
each front of the drawers with a red and white paste-set finial,
all bordered with a beaded edge and resting on three further
guilloché panels, the top of the base decorated with eight
chain-linked neoclassical vases, surrounding a central replaced
mount modelled as an eagle standing on rockwork in the form
of a bear’s head, flanked by a pair of columns and plinths
similarly delicately decorated with guilloché panels and paste
gems depicting florets and foliage, each column surmounted
by an ormolu vase issuing paste-set silver floral sprigs and
decorated on the exterior with upright lappets, flanking a
similar central vessel with paste-set silver floral sprays resting
on the clock, the dial with a red and white paste-set bezel over
a white enamel dial with dot minute track, Roman hours and
Arabic quarters, encircling the pierced hands, the music work
in the centre of the base
61.5 cm, 24⅛ in.


Collection of Nezu Museum, Tokyo.
Christie’s Hong Kong, 27th May 2008, lot 1506.

HK$ 3,000,000-4,000,000
US$ 384,000-515,000

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