Page 189 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 189

This magnificent automaton clock typifies the        Clocks and novelty items had been popular in       這座西洋機械音樂鐘富麗堂皇,賞心悅目,功
intriguing and inventive objects produced in         the Far East from a very early period so the       能卻又複雜奇巧,誠十八世紀中期後歐洲為
Europe for the Eastern markets in the second         influx of such items was not a newly acquired      中國市場所製之座鐘精品。乾隆皇帝熱衷收
half of the eighteenth century after about 1760.     taste. Simon Harcourt-Smith who surveyed the       藏鐘錶和自動機械人偶,對歐洲舶來品和中國
The Qianlong Emperor was an avid collector of        clocks in the Imperial Palaces in the early 20th   製造的座鐘皆青睞有加,蒐藏數以千計,設計
timepieces and automatons and his enthusiasm         century produced an extraordinary account of       精緻新奇,由於多為賞玩而非實用報時,又稱
for both European and Chinese-made clocks saw        these pieces that was published as A Catalogue     為音樂鐘。
him assemble thousands of varying mesmerising        of Various Clocks, Watches, Automata, and other
and novel designs, which came to be known as         Miscellaneous Objects of European Workmanship      相類座鐘,除故宮外,歷經歲月尚能保存良好
‘sing-songs’ since they were primarily valued as     Dating from the XVIII and Early XIX Centuries, in  者甚罕。從北京故宮博物院所藏卻可見當時所
toys rather than fine timepieces.                    the Palace Museum and the Wu Ying Tien, Peiping,   製座鐘,材質各式各樣,見《你應該知道的二
                                                     Palace Museum, Peiping (Beijing), 1933. In the     百件鐘錶》,北京,2007年,書中載錄一件
While many of the clocks were badly damaged          introduction to this now scarce source he writes   座鐘,造形與本品相近,底座配抽屜,圖版
or destroyed during several turbulent periods in     in the introduction; “Taste for clocks and other   93。此鐘以鷹與熊為飾,諧音英雄,中國特
the history of China, the great variety of media     curiosities of the West seems to have invaded      色明顯。前述故宮鐘例則飾有中國風格之菠蘿
employed for the manufacturing of clocks is          the court of China at an early date; already       轉花,秒針造形又與許多中國製座鐘相同。這
well illustrated in the Palace Museum, Beijing,      at the beginning of the fourteenth century a       兩件座鐘有多處相似,包括瑞士製機芯、琺瑯
publication, The 200 Objects You Should Know.        French ironsmith, Guillaume Boucher, probably      水法,溢法國路易十六後期風格,或出自同一
Timepieces, Beijing, 2007, including one of          a prisoner brought back from some Mongol           作坊。此外,由於許多瑞士鐘錶商及製錶師曾
related architectural form surmounting a base        raid in Hungary, had constructed for the first     居倫敦,故此類奢華鐘錶,除富瑞士風格,也
comprised of drawers, pl. 93. It is interesting      Yuan Emperor of China an elaborate clock with      見英倫影響,本品與故宮藏例亦不例外,如觀
to note that the hawk and bear on the current        fountains; and when in 1599, the great missionary  指針之形便可見一斑。
clock, which form the rebus yingxiong (‘hero’)       Matteo Ricci arrived in Peking he secured
is clearly a Chinese addition, while the Palace      Imperial favour and an entry to the Court largely  西洋鐘錶與奇玩,早於乾隆以前,已為
piece has been ornamented in a Chinese style         by a gift of clocks. However, only at the end of   遠東所珍。二十世紀初英國學者 Simon
through the addition of the pineapples and the       the seventeenth century, in the reign of K’ang     Harcourt-Smith 研究故宮所藏西洋機械鐘
decorative seconds hand often found on Chinese       Hsi, clocks in large numbers began to invade the   錶,並將所得著錄成書,《A Catalogue of
clocks. The similarity of the two pieces, including  Palace”. He further remarks that during the reign  Various Clocks, Watches, Automata, and
the distinctly Swiss movements of the clock and      of the Qianlong Emperor “clocks and mechanical     other Miscellaneous Objects of European
enamelled columns, suggests they were created        toys of beauty and ingenuity never before seen     Workmanship Dating from the XVIII and
in the same workshop, inspired by a popular          flowed into China from the West at the rate of     Early XIX Centuries, in the Palace Museum
French model of the late Louis XVI period. They      thousands a year. In the Imperial Palaces at       and the Wu Ying Tien, Peiping》,北
also include English design elements, such as        Peking, Yuan Ming Yuan and Jehol the passages      京,1933年,當時此類西洋鐘錶已極珍稀,
the hands, and as Swiss retailers and craftsmen      of the hours was marked by a fluttering of         他在引言中道,中國宮廷對西方鐘錶和新奇之
are known to have presided in the city it is         enamelled wings, a gushing of glass fountains and  物的興趣早啟於十四世紀,時有一位法國鐵
not surprising to see both Swiss and English         a spinning of paste stars, while from a thousand   匠 Guillaume Boucher,可能在匈牙利為蒙古
influences on a luxury item.                         concealed and whirring orchestras, the gavottes    人所擄,後為忽必烈製作了一座華美的水法座
                                                     and minuets of London rose strangely into the      鐘。明萬曆二十七年(1599年),傳教士利
                                                     Chinese air.”                                      瑪竇抵京面聖,進獻座鐘,因此深得君心,獲

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