Page 388 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 388


AN INSCRIBED LILAC-GROUND                             清乾隆 紫地開光粉彩詩意芝仙圖葫蘆式轎瓶
FAMILLE-ROSE DOUBLE-GOURD                             《乾隆御製》、《乾隆年製》款
WALL VASE                                             「乾」、「隆」印
QIANLONG                                              來源:
well potted with a flat back, the globular lower
bulb rising to a curved waist flanked by a pair       題識:
of iron-red stylised flanges, set with a smaller      女夷裁冰作仙骨,色香淨洗水雲窟;
upper bulb rising to a slender neck below a lipped    天風吹送洛浦春,虙妃小步瑶臺月。
mouth, the lower bulb painted with a panel of         金鈿掠鬢玉簪橫,向人不語如有情;
lingzhi fungus, below stands of narcissus and         採芝皓腕渾不見,倚屏却坐羞銀檠。
a nandina bush laden with ripe red berries, the
upper bulb inscribed with a poem in clerical script   清乾隆十七年(1752)《清宮內務府造辦處
(lishu) and four characters Qianlong yuzhi (‘Made     活計檔.江西燒造磁器處》有錄:「交御製
by Imperial order for Qianlong’), followed by a       詩四套。傳旨:著賞唐英,嗣後燒造磁器,
Qian trigram seal and another seal reading Long,      應用詩之處即用此詩撿選燒造,不必用樂善
all reserved on a gradated purple ground, the         堂詩文」。由此可推斷本瓶乃製於乾隆十七
base inscribed with a four-character reign mark in    年或以前。
gilt on an iron-red ground, wood stand
20.3 cm, 8 in.

Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 5th October 2011, lot 1906.

HK$ 700,000-900,000
US$ 89,500-116,000

This poem, titled Narcissus, is recorded in Yuzhi
leshantang quanji dingben [Definitive edition of
the complete works by His Majesty from the Hall
of Pleasure in Goodness], Siku quanshu [The
complete library in four sections] ed., vol. 15, p.
13. The writings in this collection date from before
Qianlong became emperor. According to Neiwufu
Zaobanchu huoji dang [Archives of the Workshop
of the Imperial Household Department], four sets
of imperial poems were sent to the imperial kilns
in Jiangxi in the seventeenth year of the Qianlong
period (corresponding to 1752). Instead of the
old Leshantang poems, the Qianlong Emperor
ordered the superintendent Tang Ying to select
poems from the new sets for the porcelains made
thereafter. Therefore, the present wall vase was
very likely made no later than 1752.

                                                      Yuzhi leshantang quanji dingben [Definitive edition of the complete works by His
                                                      Majesty from the Hall of Pleasure in Goodness], Siku quanshu [The complete
                                                      library in four sections] ed., vol. 15, p. 13.



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