Page 392 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 392


A FAMILLE-ROSE ‘EUROPEAN SUBJECT’                                   清嘉慶 粉彩西洋人物圖雙耳瓶
HANDLED VASE                                                                  《嘉慶年製》款
the pear-shaped body rising from a splayed foot to a waisted        仇焱之收藏(1910-1980年)
neck and flared rim, flanked by a pair of iron-red mythical
beast loop handles, each rendered with a long curved gilded         類本品者,可比較一嘉慶瓶例,飾西洋圖景,售於倫敦佳
tongue lolling out, painted around the exterior in a soft famille-  士得1970年10月5日,編號78。另見一光緒例,嘉慶仿
rose palette with a continuous scene of eight European figures      款,售於倫敦蘇富比1981年2月5日,編號53。
set in an idyllic setting with large verdant trees and European
architecture, including a lady looking at a dog while holding       以西洋畫片為飾者,多見乾隆一朝。可參考一瓶例,開
onto the arm of a gentleman while he converses with another         光內繪西洋景,展於《From the Dragon’s Treasure》
gentleman, two further gentlemen conversing with each other         ,Museum Für Kunsthandwerk,柏林,1987年,圖版
while sitting on the grassy ground with a lady holding a tray of    203。另見一例,售於洛杉磯蘇富比1973年10月29日,
fruits above her head in the background, a further lady looking     編號65。
endearingly at a young boy standing behind her, all between
borders of floral diapers encircling the rim and the foot, the
base inscribed with an iron-red four-character reign mark,
wood stand
28.6 cm, 11¼ in.

Collection of Edward T. Chow (1910-1980).

HK$ 240,000-340,000
US$ 30,700-43,500

Compare a Jiaqing mark and period vase decorated with
European landscapes in panels, sold at Christie’s London, 5th
October 1970, lot 78; and another with an apocryphal Jiaqing
mark, attributed to the Guangxu period (1875-1908), sold in
our London rooms, 5th February 1981, lot 53.

European landscapes are more commonly found adorning
vessels created during the Qianlong period; see a vase
decorated with a European landscape enclosed within circular
panels, exhibited in From the Dragon’s Treasure, Museum
Für Kunsthandwerk, Berlin, 1987, cat. no. 203; and another
example sold in our Los Angeles rooms, 29th October 1973,
lot 65.


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