Page 391 - Sotheby's October 3 2017 Chinese Art
P. 391
This pair of bowls is impressive for its lively A Jiaqing mark and period bowl painted with this
and fine depiction of boys engaged in different motif, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
games. The ‘hundred boys at play’ was a popular was included in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing
theme in the decorative arts of the Ming and Qing Dynasty Porcelain in the National Palace Museum,
dynasty, which refers to King Wen of the Zhou Tokyo, 1981, vol. II, pl. 101; another was sold at
dynasty who had ninety-nine sons and adopted Christie’s Hong Kong, 26th April 2004, lot 1077; a
one more to make one hundred. The boys are slightly smaller one was sold in these rooms, 24th
illustrated engaged in activities potent with November 1987, lot 179; and a fourth example
symbolism: for example the first character of was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1st May 1995,
‘lantern’ is a pun for bumper harvest (fengdeng), lot 680. See also a slightly larger example sold in
which equates with peace, while boys carrying these rooms, 9th November 1982, lo 292. Bowls
peaches and playing with bats are representative painted with this theme appear to have been
of longevity. modelled after Qianlong period originals, such as
a bowl with Qianlong mark and of the period, sold
at Christie’s Hong Kong, 2nd November 1999,
lot 552.