Page 27 - Bonhams, Fine Chinese Art, London November 3, 2022
P. 27

Image courtesy of the British Museum, London      Bonhams, London, The Ollivier Collection, 8 November 2018, lot 28
           © The Trustees of the British Museum
           tax office outside Turfan (present-day Xinjiang), testifies to the fast pace  Compare also with a large sancai camel, Tang dynasty, similarly
           of trading activities during the Tang dynasty. Chang’an had two main   modelled in mid-stride and with a saddle suspending mask-shaped
           markets, referred to as the Eastern and the Western Market, both filled   sacks over a pleated cushion, in the Asian Art Museum, San
           with shops, eateries and tea houses, and additional trading centres   Francisco, illustrated by W.Watson, The Arts of China to AD 900, Yale,
           were established in the proximity of its main gates; see V.Hansen, The   1995, pp.231, fig.373. Another sancai camel, Tang dynasty, modelled
           Silk Road: A New History, London, 2012.           in a similar posture as the present one, is in the British Museum,
                                                             London (
           The animated attitude of this remarkable camel is reminiscent of
           the running camels vividly depicted on the walls of Crown Prince   A sancai glazed camel, Tang dynasty, depicted in a similar way to
           Zhuanghuai’s tomb (d.684), excavated in Qianxian near Xi’an, Shaanxi   the present one and carrying a similar array of goods, was sold at
           Province, dated to AD 706, illustrated, in Out of China’s Earth:   Bonhams London, 8 November 2018, lot 28; another example was
           Archaeological Discoveries in People’s Republic of China, Beijing,   sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2016, lot 3305; a third
           1981, pl.258.                                     was sold at Christie’s New York, 20 September 2005, lot 191.
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