Page 33 - Bonhams, Fine Chinese Art, London November 3, 2022
P. 33
Fig.3.3 A blue and white reserve-decorated ‘floral’ dish,
Xuande mark and period; image courtesy of the Palace
Museum, Beijing
Fig.3.2 A blue and white reserve-decorated ‘floral’ dish, Xuande mark and
period; image courtesy of the Palace Museum, Beijing
A dish decorated with flower and fruit sprays (figs.3-1, 3-2, 3-3) Fig.4.1 A blue and white reserve-decorated ‘floral’ dish,
acquired in 1956 represents the third type of decoration on the Xuande mark and period; image courtesy of the Palace
Xuande white-on-blue dishes in the Palace Museum Beijing. This Museum, Beijing
restored dish stands 5.2cm tall, has a rim diameter of 29cm, and a
foot diameter of 20.4cm. It has a slightly flared mouth rim and gently
rounded sides supported by a ring foot. The base is unglazed and
appears slightly burnt. In the centre is a flower spray, surrounded with
four groups of auspicious fruit sprays. On the reverse are four further
groups of lotus scrolls. All designs, as well as the outside of the rim,
are reserved in white on a blue ground. On the outside, a horizontal
six-character Xuande reign mark is placed just below the rim.
The last type of white designs reserved on a blue ground is shown
by another dish which is also decorated with flower and fruit sprays
(figs.4-1, 4-2, 4-3), entered the collection in 1964. The plate measures
4.9cm high, 26cm across the rim, and 16.8cm across the foot.
A gardenia spray adorns the centre, surrounded by four groups
of auspicious fruit sprays. A band of flower scrolls decorates the
reverse. The base is glazed white and marked with a six-character
Xuande reign mark in a double circle in underglaze blue. Fig.4.2 A blue and white reserve-decorated ‘floral’ dish,
Xuande mark and period; image courtesy of the Palace
Museum, Beijing
Overall, the seven Xuande white-on-blue dishes in the Palace
Museum, Beijing collection are superiorly potted with substantial
bodies, glazed with a rich and vibrant blue, and adorned with striking
designs reserved in white. In addition, the rims of some of these
dishes appear to be a bit more thinly glazed than other surfaces due
to the natural fluidity of the glaze. In Chinese porcelain terminology,
such lighter-coloured rims are known as ‘the candle wick rim’, and
are deemed a distinctive feature of the period.
Fig.4.3 A blue and white reserve-decorated ‘floral’ dish,
Xuande mark and period; image courtesy of the Palace
Museum, Beijing