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fig. 1  A pink-enamelled blue and                    fig. 2  An iron-red decorated sgraf-
                               white moonflask, Qianlong mark and                   fito bowl and cover, Qianlong period.
                               period. Shorenstein Collection,                      Collections of Mrs. Henry J. Bernheim
                               sold at Christie’s Hong Kong,                        and The Met Museum,
                               1 December 2010, lot 2968                            sold at Christie’s New York,
                               圖一  清乾隆                                              15 September 2016, lot 967
                               青花胭脂紅料雙鳳戲珠紋龍耳扁壺                                      圖二  清乾隆   白地軋道礬紅彩盌器
                               舒思深伉儷舊藏   香港佳士得                                      Henry J. Bernheim 夫人、紐約大都會博物
                               2010 年 12 月 1 日   拍品 2968 號                          館舊藏   紐約佳士得
                                                                                    2016 年 9 月 15 日   拍品 967 號

         2955 Continued
         This exquisite tea bowl and cover is a masterpiece of the 18th-century   蓋盌是清代宮廷飲茶用具,適於單人細細品飲。盌蓋略小於盌口,扣於
         imperial kilns at Jingdezhen. It is a successful combination of colour,   盌內口,是為品茗時刮漂浮之茶葉所用。拍品蓋鈕內及盌底施松石綠釉,
         composition and texture on a three-dimensional space. The making
         of this bowl and cover was an especially difficult one that required the   而蓋內與盌內壁皆施白釉,與常見釉上彩瓷內外均施松石綠釉規制不
         utmost finesse and precision. After the initial firing, the bowl and cover   同,應為觀茶湯色而特製。
         were enamelled in pale pink and then exquisitely painted with a pair of
         dragon and phoenix in puce enamel, with clouds and other secondary   拍品蓋及盌外壁施粉紅彩軋道錦地為飾,其上以藍料彩繪雲紋,胭脂紅
         elements in blue enamel. Of special note is the pale pink-enamelled   彩繪龍鳳紋,蓋及盌之口沿、圈足與蓋鈕均描金裝飾,以青花釉裡紅的
         ground, which was finely incised with a feathery scroll in a design   裝飾風格仿銅胎畫琺瑯器類,極盡奢華之姿。如 2010 年 12 月 1 日,香
         known as jinshang tianhua, ‘flower brocade’, which did not appear on   港佳士得《妙色瑩然——舒思深伉儷珍藏宮廷御製藝術精品》專場,圖
         porcelain prior to the Qianlong reign, and was particularly effective in   錄編號 2968,清乾隆青花胭脂紅料雙鳳戲珠紋龍耳扁壺,即可作為裝飾
         creating a more textured surface and a more layered effect conveying a
         sense of depth.                                   風格之比較(圖一)。因軋道洋彩技法又稱「錦上添花」,與龍鳳紋相配,
         There are two versions of this ‘flower brocade’, applied to the two
         most esteemed types of porcelains made for the Qianlong court   軋道,又名雕地,為借鑒瓷胎畫琺瑯技法,以粉彩及軋道兩種工藝珠聯
         falangcai and yangcai. In one group the delicate scroll or lattice on   璧合而成,其製作系在彩釉面上以尖銳工具細緻剔劃的紋樣,線條細如
         the background enamel was painted, while in the other the design
         was incised into the background enamel. The current bowl and cover   毫芒、宛若「錦地」,並於其上用沒骨法繪以粉彩紋飾,便成粉彩軋道
         belongs to the latter group, yet distinguishes itself from other examples   紋,宮內稱之為「錦上添花」。景德鎮稱作「耙花」。流行於乾隆時期
         in this group by having the scroll design incised into the background   琺瑯彩、粉彩瓷器裝飾,其後各朝瓷器上亦有採用,但工藝水準則每況
         enamel after, as opposed to before, the enamelled design on top.   愈下。存世之乾隆粉彩軋道御瓷,多見於清宮舊藏。本蓋盌的「錦上添
         The painting of the puce-enamelled dragon and phoenix is exceptionally   花」製作工序與近似例有所不同,先於粉地上描繪胭脂紅彩、藍彩紋飾
         fine and is comparable in quality and style to the painting of the   後,再進行剔劃,非常罕見。
         phoenix found on the pink-enamelled blue and white moonflask from
         the Shorenstein Collection, sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 December   類似錦上添花藍料胭脂紅彩描金龍鳳呈祥紋盌類器物,極為稀少。較此
         2010, lot 2968 (fig. 1).                          品種常見之器,則為白地軋道礬紅彩盌器,如北京故宮博物院藏品,參
         No other tea bowl and cover with the same intricate design and colour   見《故宮珍藏康雍乾瓷器圖錄》,北京,1989 年,頁 332,圖 13; Henry J.
         combination appears to have been published. Similar examples are   Bernheim 夫人珍藏,後入藏美國大都會博物館,售於紐約佳士得,2016
         found with iron-red decoration reserved on a white-enamelled sgraffito   年9月15日,拍品編號967(圖二);南京博物院藏品,出版於《宮廷珍藏:
         ground, such as a tea bowl and cover in the Palace Museum, Beijing,   中國清代官窯瓷器》,南京,2003 年,頁 276;及國立故宮博物院藏一
         illustrated in Kangxi Yongzheng Qianlong, Qing Porcelain from the
         Palace Museum Collection, Hong Kong, 1995, p. 332, no. 13, opposite   對盃,參見《清康雍乾名瓷》,台北,1991 年,頁 154,圖版 128。
         to a similarly decorated cup and cup stand, see ibid., p. 333, no. 14;
         another tea bowl and cover in the Nanjing Museum, illustrated in
         Treasures in the Royalty: The Official Kiln Porcelain of the Chinese
         Qing Dynasty, Nanjing, 2003, p. 276; one from the Collections of Mrs.
         Henry J. Bernheim, and The Met Museum, sold at Christie’s New York,
         15 September 2016, lot 967 (fig. 2); and a pair of cups in the National
         Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Special Exhibition of K’ang-hsi,
         Yung-cheng and Ch’ieng-lung Porcelain Ware from the Ch’ing Dynasty,
         Taipei, 1986, p. 154, no. 128.

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