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                                       RARE SONG DYNASTY TIXI

                                       LACQUER TRAY

                                       Rosemary Scott,
                                       Senior International Academic Consultant Asian Art

                                       This rare and particularly beautiful Song dynasty tixi   comes from a tomb dated to the second year of the
                                       lacquer tray has been preserved as an heirloom by a   Duanping 端平 period (AD 1235).  In 1992 tixi items
                                       Japanese family.  It was acquired in the Edo period   closer in style to the current dish were excavated
                                       (AD 1603-1867) by the owner of a sake brewery   from Southern Song tombs in Minqing xian  閩請
                                       in Osaka and passed down through generations of   縣 , Fuzhou City, Fujian, including a small round
                                       his descendants to the current owner.  The tray is   box and the fragments of a larger box (see ibid., nos.
                                       an especially fine example of Song dynasty lacquer   122 and 123).  Amongst the tixi lacquers excavated
                                       decorated using a technique known in Japan as guri   from Song dynasty tombs in Jiangsu province are a
                                       屈輪 lacquer.  The name guri is a term referring to   mirror case, a round, domed, box excavated in 1991,
                                       the designs on the lacquer, which resemble the form   and a fan handle (see ibid., nos. 124, 129, and 130).
                                       of a sword pommel. In China this type of lacquer   However, the excavated tixi lacquer closest in terms
                                       is called tixi ( 剔犀 , literally ‘carved rhinoceros’),   of style and fineness of execution to the current
                                       while in English it is best described as ‘carved layered   dish is a rectangular dressing case with internal tray,
                                       lacquer’.  The technique involves the application   which was excavated from a Jin dynasty tomb in
                                       of successive layers of differently coloured lacquer   Datong City, Shanxi province (see In a Myriad of
                                       through which are carved linear designs using a   Forms: The Ancient Chinese Lacquers, op. cit., pp. 90-1,
                                       u-shaped or v-shaped cut in order to display the   no. 49).
                                       different coloured layers.  The current dish benefits
                                       from three different colours – brown, red and ochre   This last rectangular box shares with the current dish
                                       – the top layer being glossy brown.  wide grooves, which display the differently coloured
                                                                          lacquer layers particularly well, and a narrow,
                                       The tixi technique can be seen very occasionally   especially fluent, top layer of black lacquer, which
                                       on lacquers as early as the Han to Three Kingdoms   gives the design a refined delicacy.  It is interesting
                                       period (206 BC-AD 280) and the Shanghai   to note that similar fine scrolling designs have
                                       Museum has in its collection a small tixi lacquer   been found on moulded bricks excavated from a
                                       box of this date (see 中國 歷代漆器藝術 In a Myriad   decorative path in the ruins of the garden belonging
                                       of Forms: The Ancient Chinese Lacquers, Shanghai,   to an important Northern Song government
                                       2018, pp. 82-3, no. 44).  However, these sophisticated   building at Luoyang, which was the western capital
                                       lacquers with carved scrolling designs came to   of the Northern Song dynasty and was known
                                       prominence amongst the luxury items treasured by   as a significant cultural centre (see Top 100 New
                                       the elite in the Song dynasty. Excavated examples   Archaeological Discoveries of China 1990-1999, 中國十年
                                       of Song dynasty carved lacquer are rare, but as early   百大考古新發現 , Beijing, 2002, p. 745).
                                       as 1957 a box was published (see Shi Shuqing   史
                                       樹青 , Qi lin zhi xiaolu ( 漆林識小錄 A short note   Amongst Song dynasty tixi lacquers preserved in
                                       on lacquer inscriptions), Wenwu  文物 , No. 7, 1957,   international collections, the examples which most
                                       pp. 56-7.  Unfortunately, the 1957 report in Wenwu   closely match the complexity and delicacy of design
                                       only illustrated a rubbing of the design on the top,   of the current dish are a circular box and tray in the
                                       but the piece is, nevertheless, significant for two   collection of the Tokugawa Art Museum, Nagoya,
                                       reasons.  Firstly, it has on the base an inscription   a rectangular tray from the same collection – both
                                       reading Zhenghe nian zhi  政和年製 (made in the   included in the exhibition The Colors and Forms
                                       Zhenghe reign, AD 1111-1118) and, secondly, on the   of Song and Yuan China – Featuring Lacquerwares,
                                       interior of its lid is a seal mark reading gong bao 宮寶   Ceramics, and Metalwares   宋元の美 –  伝來の漆器
                                       (palace treasure), which indicates that as early as the   を中心に , Nezu Institute of Fine Arts 根津美術館 ,
                                       beginning of the 12  century carved lacquers were   Tokyo, 2004, nos. 45 and 51, and a dish of similar size
                                       being made for the Northern Song court.  to the current dish, which was included in the same
                                                                          exhibition, no. 50.  It is interesting to note that the
                                       In the 1980s and 1990s tixi lacquers were excavated   Nezu exhibition included another Southern Song
                                       from a small number of Southern Song and Jin   dyansty tixi lacquer dish of similar size to the current
                                       dynasty sites in Jiangsu, Fujian and Shanxi provinces.     dish (exhibit no. 58), while the Special Exhibition –
                                       In 1986 two multi-Tiered boxes were excavated   Oriental Lacquer Arts 特別展 – 東洋の漆工芸 held at
                                       from Southern Song tombs at Chayuanshan  茶園  the Tokyo National Museum in 1977 included three
                                       山 , Fuzhou City, Fujian (see Zhongguo meishu quanji   dishes of similar shape and size (see catalogue nos. 31,
                                       - Zhongguo qiqi quanji, 4 Sanguo-Yuan  中國  美術  全  32 and 38).  It seems likely that this particular shape
                                       集 – 中國漆器全集 4 三國 - 元 , Fuzhou, 1998, nos.   and size of dish was particularly revered in Japan,
                                       120 and 121).  Both boxes have red lacquer as the   possibly for use in tea ritual, and has therefore been
                                       top tier.  One of the boxes has three sections and   carefully preserved.  Even amongst these treasured
                                       has lobed sides tiered (no. 121), while the other is   heirlooms, the current dish stands out for its quality
                                       octagonal and has four sections (no. 120).  The latter   of execution and fine condition.
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