Page 176 - Christie's IMPORTANT CHINESE Ceramics and Works of Art may 28 2021 hk
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PROPERTY FROM THE ZHUYUETANG COLLECTION           A square robin’s egg-enamelled Yixing teapot bearing the same ‘Jingxi’
         竹月堂珍藏                                             mark is in the Palace Museum Collection, Beijing, dated to the Qianlong
         2999                                              period, illustrated in Purple Sandy Ware, The Complete Collection of
                                                           Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong Kong, 2008, p. 250, no. 214.
                                                           The Museum has another robin’s egg-enamelled Yixing teapot of
         A RARE LARGE 'ROBIN'S EGG'                        similar form but of much smaller size (10.5 cm. high), illustrated ibid.
         ENAMELLED YIXING TEAPOT AND COVER                 Compare to a teapot of similar form in the Palace Museum Collection,

         SIGNED SHAO YUANXIANG, QING DYNASTY, 18TH CENTURY  Beijing, dated to the Qianlong period, illustrated in Purple Sandy Ware,
                                                           The Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Hong
         The sturdily potted teapot is covered in a finely mottled opaque   Kong, 2008, p. 250, no. 213.
         enamel of turquoise and purplish blue colour. The base is incised
         with a circular seal reading Jingxi, and a square seal reading Shao
         Yuanxiang zhi.                                    清十八世紀   宜興胎爐鈞釉大宮燈壺
         12º in. (31cm.) wide                                                    「荊溪」、「邵元祥製」刻款
         HK$400,000-600,000              US$52,000-78,000  來源
                                                           香港佳士得,1994 年 5 月 1 日,拍品 561 號
         PROVENANCE                                        宜興胎爐鈞釉瓷創燒於雍正年間,茶壺傳世品更是非常少見。香港茶具
         Sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 May 1994, lot 561
         It is rare to find a robin’s egg-enamelled teapot of Yixing ware. It was   今天》,香港,1986 年,頁 208,彩色圖版 XXIX。另可比較北京故宮
         not until the Yongzheng period that the Robin's egg enamel was used
         on Yixing wares, such as the example in the Flagstaff House Museum   博物院藏一件宜興胎爐鈞釉漢方壺,陰刻「荊溪」款;及一件宜興胎爐
         of Tea Ware,  illustrated in K.S. Lo, The Stonewares of Yixing, From the   鈞釉小宮燈壺,印「浴德堂」款,著錄於故宮博物院藏文物珍品大系《紫
         Ming Period to the Present Day, Hong Kong, 1986, p. 208, col. pl. XXIX.   砂器》,深圳,2008 年,圖版 214、213 號。


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