Page 180 - Christie's IMPORTANT CHINESE Ceramics and Works of Art may 28 2021 hk
P. 180

         A RARE LARGE GUAN-TYPE GLAZED                     清雍正   仿官釉貫耳帶紋方壺   六字篆書款
         VASE, FANGHU                                      來源
         AND OF THE PERIOD (1723-1735)                     紐約佳士得,2000 年 9 月 21 日,拍品 369 號
         The pear-shaped body of rounded rectangular section is raised
         on a moulded pedestal foot pierced with a narrow rectangular   台北故宮博物院藏有一件宋代龍泉粉青釉帶紋方壺,高 37.3 公分,其造
         aperture on each of the narrow sides, with a double bowstring   型與此器如出一轍,應該就是此器原型,著錄於《故宮藏瓷 – 龍泉窯》
         band encircling the upper body and another on the neck below the   香港,1962 年,圖版 1 號。可比較一件雍正仿汝窯例子,香港佳士得,
         pair of tubular handles, covered overall with a pale grey-blue glaze   2004 年 4 月 26 日一件,拍品 946 號。香港蘇富比 2005 年 10 月 23 日拍
         suffused with dark and light brown crackles.      賣一件,拍品 319 號。另參考台北故宮博物院藏雍正款仿哥釉一例,著
         17Ω in. (44.5cm.) high                            錄於《清康雍乾名瓷特展》,台北,1986 年,圖版 63 號。
         HK$600,000-800,000             US$78,000-100,000

         Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, sold to benefit
         the acquisitions fund
         Sold at Christie’s New York, 21 September 2000, lot 369
         The form of the present vase is closely related to a Longquan celadon
         glazed fanghu in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in
         Porcelain of the National Palace Museum - Lung-chuan Ware of the
         Sung Dynasty, Hong Kong, 1962, p. 28, pl. 1, which is incised on the
         base with an imperial poem composed by Emperor Qianlong.
         Similar Yongzheng-marked examples are known, including one sold
         at Christie’s Hong Kong, 26 April 2004, lot 946, and another sold at
         Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 23 October 2005, lot 319. Compare also to
         a Yongzheng-marked Ge-type glazed variant in the National Palace
         Museum, Taipei, illustrated in Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of
         Kang-his, Yung-cheng and Chien-lung Porcelain Ware from the Ching
         Dynasty in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1986, no. 63.


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