Page 24 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 24






                            [a model of]

             ‘a large wucai tianqiu zun decorated with

                                          the Eight Daoist Emblems was presented ...

                            [The Emperor decreed] Manufacture accordingly,

                     and return the original porcelain model

                                                 to the porcelain storeroom when it is done’.

           74, 2009-2010, p. 23).  Interestingly, Lam describes this mark as ‘...  再者,瓶底的釉下青花篆書年款,也是斷代為乾隆初
           similar to the standard squarish seal mark of Yongzheng ..., but the   年的依據。林業強教授曾就乾隆年號款的樣式尋幽探
           brushstrokes are more angular’.  Lam estimates that this style of
           seal mark was in use from approximately the 7th to the 35th year   微,而本拍品的年號款風格與他所指「第五類」最為
           of the Qianlong Emperor’s 60-year reign.  This would mean that   接近,詳見林氏所著〈Towards a Dating Framework for
           the current vase was made during the tenure of the most revered
           of all the supervisors of the Qing Imperial kilns, Tang Ying (1682-  Qianlong Imperial Porcelain〉,載於《東方陶瓷學會
           1756), under whose auspices some of the finest imperial porcelains   會刊》2009-2010 年 74 號刊頁 23。饒富興味的是,
           were made.
           In addition, an early Qianlong date is suggested by a note in the   款……,惟其筆法更具棱角。」林氏估計,乾隆在
           palace records which states that on the twenty-fifth day of sixth
           month of Qianlong third year (1738): [a model of] ‘a large wucai   位的六十年間,這類篆書款樣式盛行於乾隆七年至
           tianqiu zun  decorated with the Eight Daoist Emblems   三十五年前後。由此可見,本拍品正是清代御窯廠
           was presented ...[The Emperor decreed] Manufacture
           accordingly, and return the original porcelain model to   督陶官中的佼佼者唐英任內之作(公元 1682 至 1756
           the porcelain storeroom when it is done’.              年),御瓷中不少圭臬之作皆誕生於該時期。
           來說,太監高玉交……. 五彩放大暗八仙天球樽一件………                            此外,造辦處活計檔亦有記載:乾隆三年六月二十五
           磁器庫…….. 欽此。」                                           日,「七品首領薩木哈,催總白世秀來說,太監高玉
           Although the vessel mentioned in the records is described as
           wucai, rather than doucai, it may nevertheless refer to the same type   來。燒造完時,再將交出原磁器繳回,仍交磁器庫……
           of vessel as the current vase, and at the very least indicates that the
           Qianlong Emperor commissioned the Eight Daoist Emblems to   欽此。」清檔無鬥彩品名,皆歸納於五彩一類,因此
           be applied to tianqiuping at this early date.          此處所指可能即為此瓶。

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