Page 21 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 21

fig. 2  A famille rose ‘peony’ tianqiuping, Yongzheng mark and period (1723-1735)
                                                          Collection of Tokyo National Museum
                                                            Image: TNM Image Archives
                                                          圖二    清雍正    粉彩牡丹紋天球瓶

               Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, vol. 38,   彩,再用較低的窯溫二次燒成。每次窯燒,均會出現
               Hong Kong, 1999, p. 274, no. 251)(fig. 3).  Even the famous Qianlong   若干廢品,而變形和開裂的問題較常見於大型器物,
               doucai dragon moon flask in the Palace Museum (illustrated by E.
               S. Rawski and J. Rawson (eds.) in China – The Three Emperors 1662-  所以能符合御瓷嚴格要求的大型鬥彩器,其造價定然
               1795, London, 2005, pp. 294-5, no. 217) is 6 cms. smaller than the   不菲。迄今為止,北京故宮似乎僅發表過一例乾隆鬥
               current vase, while the large Qianlong doucai charger, decorated
               with the Eight Buddhist Emblems, from the imperial collection   彩描金進寶圖雙螭耳瓶,便足證此言非虛,該瓶高度
               in the Nanjing Museum (illustrated in Qing Imperial Porcelain of the   與本拍品相若,圖見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集
               Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Reigns, Nanjing, 1995, no. 104) is 5
               cm. smaller.  The famous Qianlong doucai flask with a design of a   38:五彩、鬥彩》頁274編號251(香港:1999)(圖三)。
               farmer ploughing his fields (inspired by the 1696 Yuzhi Gengzhi tu,   即便是北京故宮珍藏名作乾隆鬥彩龍紋抱月瓶,亦比
               Imperially commissioned Pictures of Tilling and Weaving) in the   本拍品矮 6 厘米,圖見 E.S. Rawski 及 J. Rawson 合編的
               collection of the Tianjin Museum of Art (illustrated in Zhongguo
               wenwu jinghua daquan – Taoci juan, Taipei, 1993, p. 442, no. 936) is of   《盛世華章》展覽圖錄(倫敦:2005)頁 294-5 編號
               comparable size to the current vase.                  217;南京博物院宮廷珍藏乾隆鬥彩八吉祥大盤,亦比

               A Qianlong  tianqiuping with  doucai decoration, but of smaller   本拍品矮 5 厘米,圖見《清瓷萃珍:清代康雍乾官窯
               size (H: 42 cm.) is in the collection of the Matsuoka Museum of   瓷器》編號 104(南京:1995)。天津市藝術博物館
               Art in Japan (illustrated in  Masterpieces of Oriental Ceramics from
               Matsuoka Museum of Art, Japan, 1997, p. 43, no. 33). A Qianlong   藏中著名的乾隆鬥彩耕織圖瓶(這類題材脫胎於 1696
               imperial  tianqiuping decorated  in underglaze red  and blue  with   年作《御製耕織圖》),其大小與本拍品相若,圖見
               some celadon areas, and another decorated in underglaze blue, and
               a further Qianlong tianqiuping with monochrome blue glaze, of   《中國文物精華大全:陶瓷卷》頁 442 編號 936(台
               slightly larger size to the current vase, are in the collection of the   北:1993)。日本松岡美術館亦珍藏一例略小的乾隆
               Nanjing Museum (illustrated in in Qing Imperial Porcelain of the   鬥彩天球瓶(高 42 厘米),圖見《松岡美術館名品
               Kangxi, Yongxzheng and Qianlong Reigns, Nanjing, 1995, nos. 80, 77
               and 66, respectively).                                展:東洋陶磁の精華》頁 43 編號 33(日本:1997)。

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