Page 16 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
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and offer a much-needed place for escape and relaxation. The entire 解。美術館不斷改革藏品、庭園和別墅空間,注入創意元素,
campus is integrated into the visitor experience, from the formal 誘導對話,激發思考,營造可供暫別煩囂及用作休憩的都市
gardens to the historic home, rotating contemporary installations to 綠洲。場地綜合各方元素,為訪客帶來完滿經驗,從古典庭
the beloved permanent collection, each creating a unique point of 園走到古老大宅,穿越當代裝置與傳統舊藏,通貫古今,建
entry for an increasingly diverse audience.
The art collection at Philbrook is not only a grouping of objects
to study and preserve, but a powerful set of tools to tell stories, 費布克美術館不僅在藝術保存及研究上有所建樹,更旨在成
spark debate, and make connections between people. With 為具影響力的敘事者,能夠觸發辯論及連結社區。美術館
these considerations as a guide, Philbrook actively collects and 秉承以上宗旨,積極蒐集藏品及持續委託藝術家創造新作。
frequently commissions new work. The curators, leadership, 策展及領導團隊與委員會攜手合作,購藏兼具巧思及策略
and board of trustees seek thoughtful and strategic acquisitions 性的作品,豐富館藏,連接各界,擴充主題、藝術領域及
to strengthen the collection, creating bridges between areas of 藝術家類型。
strength and building diversity of subject, discipline, and artist.
And it’s working: over the past decade Philbrook has doubled
its attendance, curating acclaimed exhibitions by regional, 參展藝術家背景紛呈,活躍於本土、全國以至國際的代表
national, and international artists and launching innovative and 共冶一爐。美術館不斷策劃創新的實驗項目,拉近大眾與
experimental programming that create deep engagement with art 藝術和自然的距離。
and nature.
The restricted endowment for acquisitions created by the sale 貴資源,用作支援新作,延續館藏,以及更重要的一環—
of the Taber Family Vase will dramatically increase the ability of 繼續以美術館的角色影響後世。
Philbrook to support new work, grow the collection, and most
importantly, impact the lives of visitors for generations to come.