Page 15 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
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and traditional. While such holdings still maintain an important   及至 1990 年代,費布克美術館鎖定近代收藏策略,集中蒐
               place in the collection, the last decade has brought a pronounced   羅印象派、照相寫實主義及當代工藝作品,其後廿載繼續
               shift in emphasis toward greater prioritization of modern and
               contemporary art and artists engaged in stylistic innovation.
               The 2013 opening of Philbrook Downtown in the Tulsa Arts
               District has deepened Philbrook’s strong commitment to—  風格創新的藝術家。坐落塔爾薩藝術區(Tulsa Art District)
               and engagement in—global contemporary art and issues.   的費布克當代美術館(Philbrook Downtown)於 2013 年開
               Such contemporary collections serve modern-day visitors   幕,持續關注全球當代藝術及當下環球議題,深化美術館
               by complementing innovative and nationally recognized   在當中的角色與使命。當代藝術館為觀眾提供創新多變而
               programming, boldly engaging a broad audience while focusing
               on quality and inclusivity, and striving to present internationally   廣受歡迎的活動,拓闊觀眾層面,保持整體水準,持續兼
               notable artists of diverse influences, traditions, and styles.   包並容,致力推廣來自不同文化及傳統,風格不一的國際
               Looking Forward

               Today Philbrook is a model for the museum of the future, a
               shared public space making relevant and meaningful connections   展望
               to people’s daily lives. Building upon a legacy of innovation and
               generosity, Philbrook has shifted to an audience-centered mission,   時至今日,費布克美術館已成為未來的美術館模型—一個
               breaking down elitist perceptions to create a museum for the   連繫藝術與社區,能跟普羅大眾的日常生活產生關聯及意
               entire community of Tulsa and the surrounding region.
               To accomplish this ambitious goal, Philbrook seeks to increase   個世紀的不斷改革及樂善好施文化。今天美術館打破菁英
               access, create compelling and unexpected programs and exhibitions,   傳統,以公眾為本,決心為塔爾薩社區及周邊地區服務。
               and fundamentally change perceptions about what a museum
               can—and should—be. Philbrook creatively leverages the collection,   為遵此道,美術館不斷開拓觀眾層面,策劃精彩絕倫和充滿
               gardens, and Villa Philbrook to spark dialogue, inspire new ideas,   驚喜的展覽及活動,逐漸改變大眾對美術館原有的想像及理

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