Page 11 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 11
Built in 1926-1927 for oilman Waite Phillips (1883-1964), 費布克別墅(Villa Philbrook)位於奧克拉荷馬州塔爾薩市,
Genevieve Elliott Phillips (1887-1979), and their children, Helen 在 1926 至 1927 年間落成,為石油大亨菲利浦斯(Waite
Jane Phillips Breckinridge (1911-1963) and Elliott Phillips (1918- Philips,1883 至 1964 年)、妻子納吉維芙(Genevieve Elliott
2015), Villa Philbrook is an Italianate mansion on a property of 23
Phillips,1887 至 1979 年)及兒女海倫(Helen Jane Philips
acres of gardens in Tulsa, Oklahoma. After living at Philbrook for
only eleven years, the Phillips family made the generous decision Breckinridge,1911 至 1963 年)與艾略特(Elliott Phillips,
to give their home away. In 1938, the Phillips family donated 1918 至 2015 年)之宅邸,園景佔地 23 畝,施以十九世紀
Villa Philbrook to become Tulsa’s first art museum, and in 1939 新意大利文藝復興建築風格。菲利浦斯家族在別墅僅居住
Philbrook Museum of Art opened to the public. 了十一年,隨即於 1938 年贈予當地,成為塔爾蕯首座美術
館,並在 1939 年命名為費布克美術館(Philbrook Museum
Mr. and Mrs. Phillips commissioned Edward Buehler Delk
of Art),正式開放讓公眾參觀。
(1885-1956), an architect with a thriving practice in Kansas City,
Missouri to build Villa Philbrook, a home in Tulsa, as well as an 菲利浦斯伉儷委託在肯薩斯城享負盛名的建築師戴爾克
office building in downtown Tulsa, the Philtower, and a retreat in
(Edward Buehler Delk,1885 至 1956 年)策劃多項建築項
Cimarron, New Mexico, Villa Philmonte (which they would later
目,包括塔爾薩大宅費布克別墅(Villa Philbrook)、市中
donate to the Boy Scouts of America—along with an immense
parcel of land—to create the famous Philmont Scout Ranch). 心辦公室費布克大樓(Philtower),以及新墨西哥州西馬隆
的費蒙臺別墅(Villa Philmonte)。家族及後把費蒙臺別墅
To complement Delk’s architectural designs, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips 連同廣袤土地贈予美國童軍總會,成為著名的費蒙特牧場
selected the Kansas City landscape architecture firm Hare & Hare (Philmont Scout Ranch)。
to design the grounds surrounding Villa Philbrook. The firm was
founded in 1910 by father and son Sidney J. Hare (1860-1938) and 為襯托戴爾克的建築美學,菲利浦斯伉儷聘請肯薩斯城的園
S. Herbert Hare (1888-1960). The elaborate formal gardens they 景建築公司夏爾建築(Hare & Hare)設計別墅周邊園地景
designed include a number of smaller buildings and fountains,
and sculpture has been added in more recent years. 觀。該公司在 1910 年由夏爾父子薛尼(Sidney J. Hare,
1860 至 1938 年 ) 及 賀 伯 特(S. Herbert Hare,1888 至
Several prominent 1920s artists and craftspeople contributed to 1960 年)創辦。夏爾父子構思的古典庭園華麗優雅,別具