Page 14 - Taber Family Tianquiping Vase Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 14
Kress, who divided his important collection of Italian Renaissance 展品,最終更幾乎悉數贈予美術館作永久收藏。1942 年,
paintings among dozens of American museums. From the 著名美洲原住民藝術收藏家費迪(Clark Field)向美術館首
1940s to 1960s, Kress donated 39 paintings and sculptures to
度捐贈庋藏,此後不斷延續此舉,迄至 1971 年終身贈藏多
Philbrook, making it the second largest repository of Kress
達 1900 件。
paintings in the US. The Italianate villa made a natural home for
the Italian paintings, which became a defining characteristic of
the institutional identity of Philbrook—cementing its image as 另一巨獻為格斯(Samuel Kress)珍藏的意大利文藝復興時
a sophisticated museum that presented European-based cultural 期繪畫,除費布克美術館以外,珍藏同歸美國多所藝術機
traditions—and sparked aspirations towards national as well as 構擁有。在 1940 至 1960 年間,格斯先後向費布克美術館捐
regional significance.
贈繪畫及雕塑作品共 39 件,令館藏格斯名畫規模擠身全美
In 1947, Laura Clubb donated 86 nineteenth- and early twentieth- 次位。具意大利文藝復興風格的費布克別墅,不啻為這批
century American and French paintings. Largely featuring 巨作的理想歸宿,兩者互相融和,渾然天成。此後美術館
traditional and Academic work, this conventional collection 的獨特形象得以奠定,集中展示以歐洲為基礎的文化傳統,
bolstered the cosmopolitan image of Philbrook while establishing 啟發公眾對國家及地區文化的思考與想像。
a foundation for the European and American collections.
1947 年,伽蓓(Laura Clubb)向美術館捐出十九世紀至
Over the next several decades, as generous collectors, including
the Taber family, donated objects ranging from Chinese ceramics 二十世紀初的美國及法國繪畫共 86 幅。大批具有傳統及學
to Japanese scrolls, and African masks to Egyptian antiquities, the 術風格的作品擠身館藏之列,進一步鞏固美術館的國際形
collection grew organically into a diverse selection from around 象,成為歐美藝術收藏基地。
the world.
By the 1990s, Philbrook had settled in to a collecting strategy
focused on American Impressionism, photorealism, and 包羅萬有,橫跨多國文化。當中之矚目代表,要數囊括中國
contemporary craft, and through the next two decades, the overall 瓷器、日本掛軸、非洲面具,以至埃及古物的泰貝(Taber)
collection goals continued to prioritize the representational 家族珍藏。